Home Business Breakthrough! Here's what you will find in this highly detailed, step-by-step publishing manual:
???How to get started in this high-profit business with little or no cash up front.
???How to take advantage of the amazing profitability of niche-market, publishing
???How to gther the secret, inside information that you need about your competitors and the way they do business.
???How to know if your publication will make money before you spend a single cent.
???Niche markets: what they are and how to find them in your own backyard.
???How to start and publish a full-fledged community weekly newspaper.
???How to start and publish a modified weekly.
???You to start and publish your own niche-market tabloid
???How to start and publish free circulation shoppers??? guides and all-classified shoppers??? guides.
???How to sell your ads and manage your sales staff.
???How to find top salespeople who will wait to be paid until the money comes in.
???How to design advertising that really works.
???How to design your publication: tips that save money and time.
???How to circulate and distribute your publication: paid circulation or free?
???The big payday: how to sell your successful publication for big bucks.
???Appendix I: A Simple Sales Manual That Works.:
???Appendix II: A Library of Publishing Forms;
???Appendix III: A Glossary of Publishing and Printing Terms;
???Appendix IV: Sources and Contacts.