Are you interested in playing a fun and exciting online card game from the makers of World of Warcraft? Do you want to be able to compete in the card game scene with valuable tips and tricks that will open the door to climbing down the ranks in Ranked Mode? With our guide to the collectible card game Hearthstone you will learn: - All of the basics of the game
- How to play on the competitive scene
- Deckbuilding tips that will help you rise to the top
- Tips and Tricks about how to get the most out of your Hearthstone Experience
- Guide to the various rules about Standard, card sets and Ranked Play
- A comprehensive look at player versus player tempo and how that affects your games
- An overview and guide to how the popular game mode Arena works
- A look at all the classes you can choose from and their strengths and weaknesses
- An explanation of board control, removals and how they affect your games
If you're looking to play Hearthstone well and avoid all the pitfalls that beginning players fall into then this guide is definitely for you! FREE BONUS ARTICLE from Expert: The Problem of Removal in Hearthstone. The game has been going on for quite some time. You and your opponent are evenly matched. You grin, knowing that your best card, a 10/10 Legendary will turn the game around. You play it in the round, smiling widely content with the incoming victory. The next round your opponent casually plays a card that immediately destroys your best card, costing you the game. This, my friends, is what's known as the problem of Removal. In Hearthstone every class has numerous ways to make your favorite cards vanish into the ether and if you aren't careful, they will always ruin your plans for victory by playing just the right card at the right time. Removal isn't fun to experience, but it is one of the core mechanics of Hearthstone gameplay. Learning how to react and expect removal is one of the most valuable skills you can learn in your time as a player of Hearthstone. There are many answers to the question of removal, you can bait your opponent into wasting his good cards on minions that you don't mind losing, you can wait out the battle until your opponent has exhausted most of their cards, minimizing the chance of them having a removal or you can hinge your strategy around cards that don't need removal to be effective, such as a card that has a powerful deathrattle effect or who does the job just upon being summoned. Removal doesn't have to ruin your game, in fact once you've gotten into the rhythm of expecting and preparing for removal it will give you a much better chance of surviving on the board. Removal is all a part of board control and that's the real secret to victory! If you are holding onto the board and your stronger minions get removed, you still have a much better chance of winning the battle as opposed to hinging each round on the play of a single card. Board control will protect you from any single instance of removal devastating you as you play. As you account for removal, try to keep in mind which classes focus more on removal than others. For example, the warrior has costlier direct removal cards or more complicated ones then the Mage. The Priest has extremely powerful removal cards that you can almost always count on arriving, but the druid may or may not have some in his disposal. You don't need to be worried about removal when you know that it is more or less a guaranteed thing to happen in your games. It is simply a part of Hearthstone and learning how to weather it will allow for you to play much better in rounds. Don't resist removal, take full advantage of it too! Part of the game is knowing when to remove and when you're going to be removed, so don't fret when you lose an important card, it's just how Hearthstone works! Now go out there and play some Hearthstone!