COMMON SENSE LEARNING: 1 "ACE BASICS" SMART-UP BOOK... teaches total phonic reading in 7 simple beginning-advanced grade-less steps...FOR ALL ABILITIES/AGES 2-92.
LOST, NOW FOUND: Fastest/easiest explanation for a fine foundation of classic education.
AT-A-GLANCE: 1 page "Big Picture" of the 7 rules/steps of reading + activities with each step
AGES 2-7: Anyone who can have a conversation can learn to read. Teach your child to learn to read well. Learning letters/sounds are the longest/hardest part to learn to read. After letters, sounds and lost secrets are learned in step 1, steps 2-7 are quick/easy. By age 7 be super-sonic phonic readers... and by ages 10-13 read at high school levels+
AGES 7 THRU ADULT: (remedial, weak readers): Quickly catch-up & then get-ahead
PROBLEM IN AMERICA: America was once #1 in reading/math. No longer. As computers & new methods entered lower grades, America fell to 25th in reading & 30th in math. 2/3 of 8th graders are below level. Why?... In schools students learn slow ' 'dumbed-down" details-only, method, scattered in many learn-by-grade books & online. Result: Less learning. Basics missed? Problems exist. Many high school students can't read, write, spell or do math well.
SOLUTION: Keep it clear, simple... with the "grade-less" learning of the BIG PICTURE of any subject & fitting details in... a fun, faster, easier, better, self-paced method to show how words work & raise-up readers to READ/SPELL over 90% of 400,000 words in the English language.
MASTER KEY EACH GENERATION NEEDS TO SUCCEED: A story helps to easily explain, learn & remember concepts. Each time Alph & Bet ran out of words, they invented a new rule to make more words... until all the words were invented in 7 key rule-steps to teach the world to read "phonic-ly". Long lost, but now finally found... is a unique all levels of basics in 1 book of beginning-advanced "3R's" of reading/writing/math... a 1 BOOK "ACE BASICS SCHOOL" .
"Best way to get the job of basics done, Quality method. What I was looking for"...........Don W. "My son was failing 6th grade. Mastered basics. All A's by 7th grade. Saved his life......... Viki M.
MAKE AMERICA #1 AGAIN in beginning-advanced basics... to learn to read & read to learn. Great readers are made... not born. With reading you are never alone. Practice reading to:
ROAR... (Reason-Out-All-Reading) understand & reason how words really work.
SOAR... (Sound-Out-All-Reading).... by syllable to be the reader you want to be
WAS..... (Word-Attack-Skills)............."train-the-brain" to read right in 7 phonic learn-up rules
WOW.... (Wizards-of-Words)............. to know how to read like a PRO! (Phonic-Reading Only)