The idea probably seems too good to be true. A steady stream of passive income, generating your financial future-with little to no effort on your end. For those who are used to working hard for their money, the concept of simply putting your money to work might seem like nothing more than a pipe dream. Besides, isn't real estate investment only a tool to make the rich even richer, requiring millions in up-front investments?
At one point, Andrea Pryce would have thought the same. But then, she did the unthinkable. With absolutely no knowledge of the real estate world, she managed to close on her first multiple-unit commercial property-and on top of that, she paid absolutely no money out of pocket.
The result was a journey, through trial and error, through triumphs and setbacks, that eventually earned Pryce her first million dollars. And in How I Earned over $1 Million Using None of My Own Money, the author shares eight lessons she discovered along the way-allowing you to learn from her various successes and mistakes, and the best ways to secure your financial future for years to come.
About the Author: Andrea Pryce was born into a large family of fourteen children in St. Catherine, Jamaica. She went on to graduate magna cum laude from York College a City University of New York, where she earned her bachelor's degree in accounting.
A certified public accountant, Pryce has more than fifteen years of leadership experience in the financial industry and is a former CEO of A&S Produce Corp. She has also served on the board of directors for a number of charitable organizations and was a member of the New York City Volunteer Core for more than four years.
Currently, Pryce is an adjunct professor for York College. In addition to investing in real estate, she also conducts seminars throughout the United States, dedicated to helping individuals achieve financial freedom.