About the Book
Acid reflux is by far the most widespread gastrointestinal disorder. To put it in perspective, the U.S. alone spends more than $10B on reflux medications globally. Thus, given the incredible prevalence of medications you might wonder why: ⚠ WebMD reports the disease has increased +50% over the last decade
⚠ The National Cancer Institute shares throat cancer, the fastest growing cancer, is +850% since 1975
⚠ The Voice Institute finds mortality from throat cancer is +7x
You may also wonder why mainstream medical approaches, which you might think would be the best cure for acid reflux, have not helped you address your acid reflux or GERD. The startling answer to both of these questions is thoroughly explored in this book. If you are among the 10% of sufferers with silent / laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) you may initially have been misdiagnosed with a number of respiratory illnesses ranging from asthma to allergies. Even specialists are at a loss with regards to an effective treatment and diagnosis leaving you to suffer the many symptoms alone:
⚠ Sleep disturbance - breathing difficulty, choking, coughing
⚠ Social challenges - hoarseness, clearing throat, belching
⚠ Health issues - pain, mucus, lump in throat, difficulty swallowing
⚠ Food and drink Issues - regurgitation, indigestion, eating problems
⚠ Emotional distress - anxiety, stress, apathy
In addition to these symptoms, there is the growing concerns of
long term damage, cancer, and long term effects of reflux medications. Tell-tale signs include:
⚠ Tingling in hands, arms, feet, legs, mouth
⚠ Fatigue, lightheadedness, nausea
⚠ Anxiety, memory loss, depression
⚠ Muscle aches, cramps, spasms, weakness
⚠ Vision loss, blurriness, trouble focusing
Despite these troubling side effects most have resigned to the fact that they will need to take these medications far beyond the recommended 14 days. The trouble is the symptoms come back with a vengeance as soon as you stop taking them. Sadly doctors do not have an alternative to offer.
Feeling dissatisfied with mainstream medical advice, many turn to the internet. Unfortunately, there is an overwhelming amount of information on the internet from diets to detox plans. Sadly, the myriad of information sources
do not focus on explaining or addressing the root causes of acid reflux. Consequently, they are ill equipped to help you do much more than mitigate symptoms.
All conclusions and recommendations are discussed in simple terms and backed by hundreds of hours studying medical research. Furthermore, they were successfully used by the author, who prior to applying the methods in this book, suffered acid reflux for +15 years. The book is centered on a three phase transition plan
① Revise (2 wks) - establish your baseline
② Restore (4-6 wks) - address root causes
③ Renew (2+ wks) - return to normal
Discover the
complete solution to understanding and healing and take your first step towards addressing the true root causes of your acid reflux.
Join the thousands of individuals on TheAcidRefluxGuy.com who have discovered this life changing information! The transition plan and bonus quick hits (managing mucus, battling breath issues, and solving sleep problems) guides are a remarkably
powerful combination designed to help you get results today! The three phase plan is the best treatment for acid reflux.
It's not a meal plan, exercise routine, or an appeal to give up everything you love. Instead, it lays the foundation for a
quick and smooth transition off of medications / supplements and a return to normal. Before you know it, you could be back to enjoying life free of the many health, social, and emotional issues brought on by