You are about to embark on a journey into cyberspace, specifically into the realms of LinkedIn(TM) and its many features. As you might imagine, no one person or book has all the answers. This workbook has most of them, though, compiled from across the Web and various experts with links and references for further research.
The 'assignment' (see Dudley Lynch's reference) for this volume was to gather and present the best practices of LinkedIn usage for growing relationships and business transactions.
In this 80 page workbook we'll look at information collected from a number of sources, plus offer some wisdom regarding relationship building. If you've considered the notion that LinkedIn(TM) has more to offer than you are getting currently, then this workbook is for you. Hours and hours of research and vetting went into this material. You'll garner the rewards.
Inside you'll find some amazing infographics along with this chapter content:
Getting the Gold,
Where Are You Going?,
What can you do?,
Personal Profiles,
Your Video Message,
Reading List,
Preparing a Company Profile,
Creating Company Profile,
26 Tips: LinkedIn(TM) Best Practices,
A Beginner's Guide to LinkedIn(TM) Showcase Pages,
Creating a Showcase Page,
Building Your Network,
Getting Leads from LinkedIn(TM),
10 Best Email Practices,
Developing Relationships,
11 Tips to Find the Best LinkedIn Groups,
How to Create a Buzz,
Social Media Impact and Scoring Tools,
Some Sales Information,
Sales Statistics,
Customer Statistics,
Looking to Fill Some Slots?,
Additional Helpful Links