We are told in Hebrews 12:1 that we are surrounded by a great cloud of Witnesses. Who are they? As we read the account of their lives, we can learn what they are witnesses to. What were their lives like? Why should we look at their lives? Most important we learn what made them a witness.
The very first witness was and is God. Out of His great love, He spread out the vast universe that night and day shouts to all living "I am". Romans 1:20 tells us because of His witness we are without an excuse.
We can look beyond the written scripture and see from history the cloud we can look around us and see the great cloud today, and yes, we too as believers are a part of that great cloud as Jesus told his followers we are to be His witnesses to the ends of the Earth.
This great cloud of witness's testimony has never changed. It can be expressed in a hymn written in 1917 by Fredrick M. Lehman. "The Love of God."
After he had written two verses, he knew there should be a third. He wrote that from what was written on a prison wall over a thousand years ago by a Jewish prisoner Rabbi Meir Ben Isacc Nehorai. This is his witness as part of that great cloud.
"Could we with ink the ocean fill. and were the skies of parchment made, were every stalk on the Earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade. To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry nor could the scroll contain the whole though stretched from the sky"
Our Savior has given the Holy Spirit to all his children to abide in us, to teach us and to give us His strength.
Just as each believer could tell of God's love, I have written in this simple book how God has spoke to me through His written word, The Holy Spirit, His creation and through His people who are around me now and are part of his great cloud of witnesses.
If you look close you too can see your face in that great cloud.