This is a book that goes straight to the point and leads you by the hand in a path not easy but that will make you rich, happy, lucky!
We as women have a bad habit of talking too much about love, and creating mental films that make us feel bad!
Replace these mental films with the visualization of a strong and brave woman, who achieves the results she aims for!
I created this ebook by following and adapting Ben Sweetland's book "Grow rich while you sleep" to today's women and people.
I want to give back to the world at least part of the help I received from reading, meditating, crying on this book and many others.
It contains many invitations to follow international self-help personalities, like Hal Herold, Marla Cilley, Rhonda Byrne, Igor Sibaldi, and many many others, with comments on their particularities and how and why to follow their directions.
The Ebook is structured as a guide that will take you step by step to wealth, happiness and emotional health!
Remember: you may be sick now, but if you keep doing what you are doing you will always get the same results!
You need to change the way you think about yourself and you will also change your whole existence.
Come on!: I did it and you can do it too!!!
Go back to the top of the page, click on buy now and proceed on the road of your self-fulfillment!