Transform your life with practical skills & tools: Reduce stress & increase well-being with mindful momentsMake 75+ plant-based, 10-minute recipes (& how to invent your own)Discover affordable herbs for pain-relief, fat-loss, sleep & energyExpand your mind & feel like a whole new personDiscover the key mental models that influence our food, emotions and thinking processes - including evolutionary history, ancient medical systems (Ayurveda), molecular nutrition and behavioral psychology, all wrapped up in a fun burrito of knowledge for you.
We're going to explore how we can use our emotions and food to access and reprogram our DNA (epigenetics) through a program of conscious learning. Let's begin.
Finally, here's a cookbook for people who want to be healthy but believe they're bad at cooking, think healthy food is gross and don't have the time or money plus they feel stressed (being real, it's ok if this is you). Now you can let that go, laugh at your biggest problems because life is way too short, and enter a new paradigm with this book How to Eat Well and Love Yourself - and just when you feel like these ideas have changed your life - realize all that change has all come from within you. Magic!
The goal of this book is to simplify what it means to live a healthy lifestyle, strip away the nonsense and "trim the fat" so to speak, and dive deep into the practical elements of plant-based nutrition to make you feel like the master of your kitchen - and your mind too. (This book doesn't bite! It's safe for gluten-free vegans and omnivores alike.)
We're going to get touchy feely, so it's ok drop your guard and feel vulnerable now and again. As you read (and begin to apply the ideas in this book), you're probably going to have a wide range of emotions bubble up around what you are experiencing - love, joy, anger, disgust, confusion, surprise, and satisfaction to name a few. Even your ugly, less graceful moments are sacred lessons on how to be one with the universe. Believe it! Make that push towards self-compassion by analyzing the source of each feeling (then if it helps you, process your feelings with supportive friends - just know that no one needs to hear complaining) and meditate. You'll feel better I promise. Focus on what you are grateful for and savor your best memories, because you attract more of what you think and feel - it's a factor of momentum. Also remember to stop being so serious, seriously, have fun and play games!
We'll also have our cosmic psychedelic moments (you can handle it) as we get into a basic mindfulness practice. We start with meditation as a means for letting things go, expanding our awareness of consciousness, and feeling at peace. Breathe! When you meditate well, you get good at figuring out what's good for you, and at the same time you're always learning so you stay ahead of the curve. Don't worry about how much "progress" you're making, just take note of what's working for you, how you can do better and keep moving forward. Eating food is a rather ancient and spiritually grounded experience, so keep your heart open and stay curious. Your positive attitude will help you build a foundation of strong habits over time. As a general rule, the more questions you ask the better.
The purpose of reading this book is less about what I (the author) say, and more about what you (the reader) actually do. In a sense, what I say doesn't even matter if you do nothing! All of this information is for you, use it well. Make the changes that you've been wanting to make and focus on living your best life. And for goodness sake, be happy!
Thank you: )