About the Book
Day after Day, and Year after Year, the MADNESS goes on and ON: beCause Americans are so Slow to Learn their Lessons, being Worse than Boneheaded Mules and Stubborn Jackasses. This Year's Wildfires are estimated to Cost more than 200 Billion Dollars in Property Damages; but, the Health Damages have not been Calculated, nor can anyone Rightly Guess what the Total Costs will be ― all for the Lack of Swanky FORTRESSES, which are Fireproof Planned City States, which have more than 5,000 additional Good Reasons and Great Advantages for Building them; but, does your Wicked Government CARE? No! They have never Mentioned any such Fortresses, nor Referred anyone to: "The Right Design for Living!" (A List of Great Advantages for Building Beautiful Planned City States!) By The Worldwide People's Revolution!(R) Book 012B. Actually, they are probably Afraid that their Fake Services will not be Needed any longer by the Education Slaves, Work Slaves, Tax Slaves, Insurance Slaves, Interest Slaves, ElecTrickery Bills Slaves, Food Bills Slaves, Water Bills Slaves, Gas Bills Slaves, Transportation Bills Slaves, Repair Bills Slaves, Telephone Bills Slaves, Internet Bills Slaves, Entertainment Bills Slaves, Drug Bills Slaves, Doctor Bills Slaves, Hospital Bills Slaves, Childcare Bills Slaves, Rent Bills Slaves, Home-owner Bills Slaves, Mortgage Bills Slaves, Credit Card Debt Bills Slaves, Nursery Home Bills Slaves, nor Lonely Funeral Home Bills Slaves: beCause, Provable Truths can Liberate all of those Poor Miserable SLAVES, even as Jesus Christ Revealed in the Sermon on the Mount, most of which was Deleted by the Lying Conniving Edomites, before they Published it as a Part of The Holy Bible. Nevertheless, Truths cannot be Killed; but, they can be Suppressed and Blocked by Evil People, whereby the Masses of People Live in Eternal Darkness, like those most Ignorant Kind of Americans, who have already Wasted Trillions of Dollars in VAIN, without Solving their Countless Problems! Would any of them Spend even 100 Dollars for Learning 1,000,000 Trillion Dollars-worth of Truths, which could Save them from their Eternal Torments, and Extreme Poverty, which lies at the Heart of almost all of their Problems, as King Solomon Suggested? No, never: beCause they Suffer with Chronic Constipation of their Minds, whereby they cannot Think nor Remember very well: beCause they are Mentally Poor, Spiritually Poor, Physically Poor, Materially Poor (being without Proper Building Stones to Work with), and Morally Poor, being Blinded by their Pride and Foolish Lusts, as a Result of their Extreme Ignorance. Should we Feel Sorry for them? Should we Pity them? WHY? Why not just let them go on Suffering? To HELL with them, says the Fake Politician, who Wears 4 Different Kinds of MASKS! This Inspired Book is Addressed to Sane People, ONLY, and they are more likely to be the College DROPOUTS, who have Realized that it is just another Capitalist SCAM to get their Money, and make them into Education Slaves!