"My husband has a porn addiction that is destroying our marriage. It isn't just the porn, it's all the lies that go along with it and all the broken promises that he'd find help. Looking for some helpful advice."
"My husband has betrayed me over and over. One of his problems is porn. He tells me he doesn't masturbate to it he just watches it when he is bored. Is this true? Who watches porn when they are "bored"?"
"I was married 7 years to a sex/porn addict. He went to SA and relapsed every time. What should I do after thousands of dollars in sex operator phone bills, humiliation, craigslist prostitutes, years of feeling it was my fault and I was not skinny or pretty enough?"
Porn use especially by your husband is one of the most devastating and challenging experience as a couple.
It feels like an affair to know your husband is getting off with naked pictures of other women on the internet.
There is so much pain and you will try as much as possible to find ways to soothe the feeling even when immediate solution to the problem is not provided due time.
Sometimes there is a fear of confrontation. Many wives don't want to confront their husbands so they wouldn't start a fight or even cause a significant fallout in the relationship. But you need to realize and discover the effect of pornography on your marriage and your emotions or even self-esteem.
It is very important to take the necessary recovery steps in order to reduce the chances of a failed marriage, and to also help in your marriage intimacy and communication patterns.
This book contains different strategies and tactics you can use to control or even stop your husband's porn habit. Different ideas have been outlined, giving you the chance to try different approach even as you test the result. Reading this book will bring back the lost hope, turning your intimacy struggle into a testimony.