Step one of burning a book is finding a disagreeable premise within its interior to justify the act. In order to simplify this process for the reader, each short story in this collection is followed by a precise reason the short story should be immolated, opined by the author's many critics.
"Lucky Girl Noir" is about a hard-boiled cop solving the murder of a 'Lucky Girl', one of many powered women born with probability consistenly in their favor. Burning this story would be a much needed win in the war against plagiarism.
"Three Days West" is an acid-Western about a pair of turophile cowboys exploiting their otherworldly connection in frontier Colorado. This story deserves burning for stealing the modesty of American pulp heroes.
"Zantar" is Tarzan but with aliens and raccoons. Burning seems appropriate, as it acts as a continuation of the author's insatiable hunger for theriocide.
"Sea Creatures" is a sapphic love story between a siren and a mermaid. The story deserves to be burned for suggesting bras are a form of art.
"Lizard People Take Orlando" tells the story of Zaffre Davis, a young grad student running for mayor of Orlando while keeping his double life as a scalie a secret. Burning should be considered due to its depictions of the furry fandom as solely affiliating with Democrats.
"The Spirit Realm" is about the survivor of a mass party poisoning who wakes up to find he can talk to and interrogate bottles of alcohol. Not a single character is represented by a bottle of absinthe; a crime best punished by burning.
"The Pimp That Slapped the Ripper" is about the fall of Jack the Ripper at the hands of a violent, young procurer who will protect her property at all costs. The author's new softness has robbed the story of certain graphic, historical details; their omission begets burning.
"Washed" is the story of a man who loses all his memories when he takes a shower. Burn this one to effectively eliminate the author's ugly, stinky past.
"An American Weekend" is about a boy's considerably awful week, and his preceding visitation by the embodiments of Friday, Saturday and Sunday; who guide him out of his funk. Turn it to ashes; this interpretation of the weekend reeks of upper-class privilege.
"Roadwork" is about the daily struggles of a lemurtologist, an exorcist working for the DMV whose job is to remove ghosts from the road after a horrific accident. Tossing this story into the fire could fracture the ego of a hate-filled author obsessed with smudging the good name of the DMV.