How to get Jehovah's Witnesses out of the Watchtower? Show them the real Jesus Christ! Instead of scriptures changed in their New World Translation, use passages JWs usually never consider. You can do it in just a few minutes - with the 8 Brief Scripts. Or use the Thorough Scripts. Help JWs to freedom.What (not) to Talk About With JWs?JWs have very peculiar beliefs about Hell, Soul, Trinity, Christmas, Easter, Blood, etc. Such discussions usually lead nowhere.
The best topic is Jesus Christ which is in line with what the apostle Paul did:
"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." 1Co 2:2
Jesus Christ According to the WatchtowerJesus Christ is not God; he is the first being created directly by Jehovah God. Jesus has many names, such as the Word, Immanuel, the Son of God, archangel Michael, etc. All the other things were supposedly created through this archangel. Since even Satan is called "god", Jesus can be also viewed as "god" or "divine" (but not "God").
The New World Translation (NWT) by the Watchtower changes the passages that show Jesus Christ as God. So, these verses cannot be used with JWs:
John 1:1; 8:58; 20:28; Ac 20:28; Rom 9:5; Tit 2:13; Col 2:9; 1Tim 3:16; Heb 1:6; 1J 5:20.
Examples from NWT: John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. [To mean: divine like angels but not God.]
Tit 2:13 While we wait for the happy hope and glorious manifestation of the great God and of [the] Savior of us, Christ Jesus. [NWT adds "the" in front of Savior to make it sound that 2 persons are described: (1) the great God and (2) Christ Jesus.]
Col 2:9 Because it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily. [NWT changes this verse completely.]
- This book overlooks all these changed passages and focuses on verses about the Lordship of Jesus Christ that JWs typically never consider. Look inside the book and read a sample.
- This way, the individual JWs are given a chance to see the real Jesus Christ.
- And in the process, your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will only grow and your relationship with the Lord will be only deepened.
- Use the 8 Brief Scripts to show JWs the real Jesus in just about 5 minutes, including over the phone.
- Or spend more time, and use the Thorough Scripts.
- All the scripts are based on 100's of real, fruitful discussions with JWs.
Jehovah in the New Testament of NWT: Why Only 237 Times?The Watchtower's use of Jehovah in the New Testament of the New World Translation just proves that Jesus Christ is Jehovah of the Old Testament! If the NWT used Jehovah in all the verses, as seen in the source texts of the NWT, the readers of the NWT would immediately see that Jesus is Jehovah of the Old Testament! See the facts.
Strong's Numbers: How to Use Them to Help JWs?If you show to JWs how to use Strong's numbers (which is easy) they will be able to see by themselves where the New World Translation obscures or completely changes the meaning of the same word when applied (a) to Jehovah vs. (b) to Jesus.
Help JWs to Freedom in ChristAll it takes is just a few minutes of your time. How many JWs can you help this way?