So you want to become a witch? Great! You're in the right place. But where do you start? I'm here to tell you that becoming a witch doesn't have to be some big, complicated, expensive process.
You don't have to get initiated into a pagan or Wiccan religion to become a witch. You don't have to study for years and years before you can cast your first spell. You don't have to go out and buy a cauldron and a million different kinds of incense. You don't have to join a coven and spend every full moon dancing naked in the forests.
I mean, you can if you want to, but none of those things are requirements to becoming a witch.
All you have to do is CHOOSE to become a witch. Seriously-that's it. No experience necessary. It doesn't matter who you are, how your family raised you, or what you believe.
Modern secular witchcraft offers witches an incredibly simple, fun, and easy way to perform powerful magic. That's what you'll learn in this easy-to-understand, totally approachable introductory guide to becoming a witch.
You'll also learn:
◆Your first steps to creating your own personal spiritual practice.
◆An explanation of witchy terms like sabbats, esbats, grimoires, and covens.
◆How to use Law of Attraction and sympathetic magic to cast powerful spells.
◆How to set up a magical altar.
◆Simple methods for cleansing and charging your sacred space.
◆How to hone your ability to sense energy.
◆A brief guide to writing and performing your own spells.
◆What tools you'll want for different forms of magic and how to make your own tools!
◆An assortment of spells you can perform anywhere with or without tools.
◆What to tell (or not tell) the skeptics and haters in your social circle.
◆How to continue growing on your magical journey.
If you're looking for simple guide to becoming a witch, this book is for you!
Don't miss the other books in the White Witch Academy Textbook series including What Type of Witch Are You? A Handbook of Over Thirty Types of Witchcraft for New Witches.