Are You Dreaming Of Starting Your Own Business? Here's How To Make Your Dream Come True!
There's an anecdote that perfectly captures your current business status.
Employee: "I like your new car, boss"
Employer: "Well, if you set yourself targets, work hard and stay focused, next year I'll be able to buy an even better one"
If you want to break free from your dead end 9 to 5, start your own business and become your own boss, then it's time to find out HOW.
Here's How You Can Transition From Employee To Successful Business Owner!
Is the thought of quitting your job and starting your own business keeping you up at night? Do you toss and turn thinking that it's time to make your move?
Now you don't have to waste weeks watching online videos, spend a small fortune on self-proclaimed "business gurus" or navigate yourself through a maze of websites, blogs and podcasts.
Boris Timm, a successful entrepreneur and author of "A Simple Guide To Investing In Turnaround Stocks" and "Options Trading Basics Explained" has created a practical guide that will teach you HOW to go from employee to entrepreneur.
What's In It For You:
When it comes to business entrepreneurship books, this easy-to-follow guide stands alone, because it will teach you HOW to start your own business, not WHY. You already know what's in it for you. Financial freedom, a cocktail in your hand and the soft breeze of the Caribbean islands. This guide will teach you how to get there.
Why Choose This Easy-To-Follow Guide For Aspiring Entrepreneurs:
Discover tips from successful business owners and learn how to overcome almost any obstacle with our book on how to start a business, which will help:
Build Successful Habits Understand How Businesses Work Separate Yourself From The Rest Identify Common Mistakes & Avoid Them Nurture An Environment Of Success Around You Evaluate Your Different Business Options Stop Finding Excuses Start Your Own Business