The third installment in a series addressing how to speed read and analyze people, this book focuses on the Cluster B personality disorders as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
If you've ever met someone you felt vaguely uncomfortable around, then it's probable because you've met one of the four personality disorders that fall under Cluster B. You know something's not quite right, but you can't explain it.
Masters of disguise, people who are burdened with Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic personality disorders, are not easy to detect. You will not always be served by skills discussed in the previous installations of this series (which focus on reading physical cues).
Deception is common to all four of personality disorders. That deception is an effort to conceal the dysfunction lurking just beneath the "normal" veneer presented by those who live with the Cluster B disorders.
So, how can you see them coming? How do you head these disordered individuals off at the pass before they knock you off your stagecoach, leaving you stranded in the punishing desert of "what just happened"?
In this book, you'll read about the four personality disorders, their characteristics and behaviors. You'll also have a real-life look at four people with these disorders as they presented themselves in the author's life., /p>
From this information, you'll have a strong understanding of who these people are and how they'll most likely reveal themselves to you.
But you'll also learn about a human superpower - intuition.
With this superpower in your arsenal, you'll be equipped to detect Cluster B personalities and prevent the chaos and destruction they're capable of inflicting. Intuition will allow you to read a person's body language, what they say, and more importantly, what they don't say. It will also help you analyze a person based on how you feel when you're with that person.
Utilizing the skills learned in this series will forever your change your ability to read and analyze a person.