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Are you tired of seeing people in your life who annoy the heck out of you? Is your family driving you nuts?
Your Customers Will Never Stop To Use This Amazing Guide!
Would you like to have a better understanding of the people you love, and maybe even control them a little better? If so, then keep reading.
Psychological manipulation is the science of controlling people without them even knowing it. It's a way to get what you want in life every time.
What makes this form of manipulation so appealing is that it doesn't involve violence or physical force. It's simply a matter of understanding people, and then playing out their own dark desires against them.
Many people truly enjoy being manipulated, but don't know it. They may protest that a certain brand of soda is far better than another, but when they walk into the grocery store their dark unconscious mind will lead them to the brand they truly prefer. Even if a person hates a certain politician, but never votes for anyone else, their own dark psychology will ensure that this crooked politician gets re-elected anyway.
This book covers:
- The Aspect Of Emotional Intelligence Understanding The Four Skills
- A Look At The Latest Discoveries In Emotional Intelligence
- Techniques To Organize Change
- The Importance Of Body Language
- What Is Brainwash?
- Why Deception Is Used
- How Our Body
- Psychology To Change Your Life
- The Power Of Hypnosis
- What Is Human Psychology?
- Developing Emotional Intelligence After Narcissistic Abuse
- Creating Success
- Managing Your Emotions
- Observing And Expressing Your Emotions
And much more!
What makes this science even more fascinating is that it's impossible to lie to yourself about what you really want deep inside your mind.
Understanding people's dark desires is similar to understanding the other forces of nature like gravity or electricity. Just as we know that things fall and people get shocked when they touch a live wire, we know that people have unconscious desires like getting revenge, becoming famous or getting sex. Your goal is to read the signs and act accordingly without making your subject aware of your motives or intentions.
Buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book!