Notice to Truly Rotten Drivers
(and those terrified by them):
First, for the truly rotten drivers
If being truly rotten is indeed your goal, why go half way? This book provides detailed guidance for achieving your rightful place in the history books and, perhaps, even those police blotters
Second, for thoseterrifiedby them
It is rather difficult-sometimes dangerous-to say to a close relative (including teenagers, of course), friend, or total stranger: "Your driving is truly rotten".
But now you don't have to since this book can be your spokesperson.
Such a gift might improve everyone's life (and limb), even the driver's. No guarantees, you do understand that, don't you? But do consider doing this know how people are.
So you, my friend, can now actually take control, can be a change agent, can improve the world, single-handedly. So much to gain, so little to lose.