Put in your hands the keys of knowledge, power and love for your happiness and venture. Your fault if you do not wish to use it. The conditions are always the same principle: namely, to Dare and above all shut up.
These lessons should be prepared for an extensive internal course\comprising 365 days or 1year, requiring a real INITIATION\INTERNAL. Who puts in your hands, the reduced the 365 days, loading, of course, with the responsibilities of the case.
Ye shall know that-I 'M- is the presence of GOD IN EVERY HUMAN. One should never forget this. I am (it) life, light, SUBSTANCE, intelligence and activity (in him we live, we move and there be), unconsciously. The goal of these practices is to prepare ourselves to consciously feel our Union with the Father - I 'M GOD INTIMATE.
The man has two "Selves", or is comprised of two entities: the I personally, body, the goal or CARNAL as called Saint Paul, and that has its mind; and I 'M, which through its attributes, (the physical body and the mind) have life and can move.
Each time the man says I 'M- a single substance from which God formed Heaven and Earth, sets in motion. "Light is", and the fluid and vibration if put in motion. Say-I 'M- is working on this light, and its surroundings, about nature's submissive alteration of intelligence.
Not all who call me "Sir! Lord! are saved, but only the fulfilling the will of the father who sent me. " So too, not only is sufficient to invoke the presence I am - and sit back, waiting for applications to be serviced by work and grace, or that someone always makes for us; Unlike, should be good children, good parents, good spouses, good friends and good citizens, and in each of these posts there are many duties to full fill.