Feel happier, calmer, and instantly less stressed: find out how you can easily build a strong defense system to ward off anger. 55% of the American workforce say they experience stress during much of the working day, and one in five of them confess that they often feel anger.
In fact, anger is a top cause of stress, and studies have found that high levels of anger are linked to both psychological stress and the increased possibility of a stress-related heart attack.
Anger's a small word, but it can have big consequences.
When we regularly feel angry, we lose our sense of control, and this can make us feel out of touch with our emotions and send us spiralling towards a state of stress.
Do you feel angry all the time? Do you often find yourself snapping at friends, family, and coworkers? Do you ever feel the urge to break something when your anger is overwhelming? Do you lose your patience easily? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, your anger could be causing you unnecessary stress, and it may be putting a strain on your relationships.
When we understand where our anger comes from and what triggers it, we can build new, healthy habits to help us break the cycle.
And with that comes a feeling of peace and the power to use our anger in a constructive way.
In House of Peace, you'll learn everything you need to know to build a more peaceful structure for your life brick by brick. You'll discover:
- 10 types of anger explained, and how you can deal with each one
- A research-backed study of the evolutionary reasons for anger, including when it can actually be useful
- The physiology of anger: how to spot symptoms you might not be aware of
- Easy ways to identify anger disorder
- The key differences between 'implosive anger' and 'explosive anger' -- and why it matters
- A clear roadmap for cultivating healthy anger management habits
- One little word that can make a huge difference to your experience of anger
- The physical and psychological effects of anger, and why you want to avoid them
- How to recognize and build a healthy support network
- Easy-to-implement strategies for staying calm in an argument
- Tips for helping loved ones deal with their anger (including special strategies for children)
- How to use mindful meditation to overcome your anger
- A structured workbook to support you as you devise strategies for dealing with your anger
And much more.
Perhaps you've tried to squash the anger monster inside you before. Maybe it seemed overwhelming, unmanageable even. Maybe you gave up, thinking it was something you just had to live with.
But all anger can be tamed the secret is in learning how to build a strong foundation and layer the bricks of success. One. Step. At. A. Time.
Learn how to take control of your anger when it becomes overwhelming, and gain the skills to stop it in its tracks before it even appears.
Anger is a natural human feeling, but it doesn't have to control you.
If you're ready to live a calmer and more relaxed life, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now. Build your house of peace.