You want to know what awaits us after our final breath? You want to know what the Catholic Church has to say on the subject? Then this book is for you.
The Church's rich and profound teachings have much to say on our afterlife. They write the last and missing chapter of our life story, helping us understand our fragile existence on earth.
Drawing from the Church's three great sources: Scripture, writings of Saints and the Magisterium, this book offers a glimpse of what is yet to be revealed. Death ushers the dawn of a new spiritual life through which we shall express our greater love of God.
The power of the wonders that await us are beyond imagining. Yet their essential nature has in fact already been revealed.
But like a stained-glass window with some clouded elements, there are still a few missing pieces to the puzzle. For example, what are we to make of the phrase 'by a means known to God' the Second Vatican Council uses when declaring that God the Almighty offers salvation to all men, including pagans (atheists and other non-Christians)?
The author attempts to fill these gaps by following in the footsteps of St. Thomas Aquinas, the greatest mind among the Catholic Doctors of the Faith. It was he who united faith and reason, placing his trust in philosophy whenever it afforded a better knowledge of reality, but without ever departing from Revelation taught by the Church. Adhering to these precepts, the author also integrates teachings not only from the great saints and mystics recognised by the Church: St. Augustine, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Catherine of Genoa, St. Faustina Kowalski, Blessed Anne Catherine Emerich, Marthe Robin, along with messages from apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary and miracles, but also non-religious phenomena including NDEs and encounters with errant souls.
Theology uses the word 'hope' to express the certainty of what is to come. It is this hope the author attempts to convey.
Arnaud Dumouch was born in 1964 and holds a postgraduate diploma in theology. In 2015, he founded the Docteur Angélique institute which gives courses in theology and philosophy in the line of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Father Marie Dominique Philippe. He is married with two children and currently lives in Belgium.
His book is drawn from his doctoral thesis 'Questions on the Hour of Death and the End of this World'.