Controlling, increasing, decreasing, preserving or destroying the hot, cold, dry, airy, watery, thick, thin, nutrient (building, cleansing) and or poisonous nature, substance, fuel of the BODY every STRUCTURE cell, tissue, nerve, gland, organ, bone, muscle, artery; hormone, antibody, blood, enzyme, acid, urine stool FUNCTION digestion, respiration, circulation, reproduction, locomotion, immunity healthy, diseased stone, tumor, cancer, virus, etc. via diet: food (animal, plant), herbs, exercise, sun, earth and spiritual practice is the science and combined natural self-healing practices of Western Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda (India) that maintain health, prevent and cure most disease.
Most disease can have several causes (poor diet, drugs, sedentary lifestyle, climate, etc.). Poor diet tends to dominate, and is many times curable if not too severe solely via correct diet (animal, plant foods, herbs), which is why I and others I counseled were able to CURE:
- GIRD, heartburn, stomach flu, body odor, eczema
- Anal fissure, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, common cold
- Crohn's, anemia, miscarriage, impotence
- Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina, obesity
- Psoriasis, rashes, tumors, cancer (breast, pancreas)
- Insomnia, yeast, bladder infection, anxiety, sinusitis
- Plantar Fasciitis, arthritis, neuralgia, edema, cellulite
- Attention Deficit Disorder, poor vision
Correct diet varies as many diseases (anemia, arthritis, insomnia, PMS, dysmenorrhea, infertility, impotence, GIRD, etc.) can have multiple dietary causes. The same foods, herbs that help cure one disease may worsen another.