Horse Health Record and Log Book
How to Use this Horse Information Logbook:
8 X 10 inches
120 Pages
The purpose of this Horse Information Record Book is to keep all your various horse and equestrian activities and ideas organized in one easy to find spot. Here are some simple guidelines to follow so you can make the most of using this book:
1. The first "Horse Information Record" section is for you to write out the name, barn name, date of birth, color, registration, breed, sex, height, tattoo, where stabled, phone number, Veterinarian's Information, Farrier's Information, Trainer's information, and Feed Information so you can track all your horse owning adventures.
2. Most ideas are inspired by something we have seen. Use the "Horse Health Record" section to write down owner's information, vaccination history, deworming history, and dental history so you can go back there to be reminded later.
3. The "Continued Health Record" section is for you to write out the hoof care procedures, reproductive history, and any medical history of each horse owned to ensure a record of safety if needed.
4. And even more pages with the "Horse Feeding" section is great for writing out the feed, amount, frequency along with space to write out any special instructions noted for each horse.
5. The "Competition Record" section is for you to keep a visual reminder of each show, event, ride, entry date, location, which class or division and who the rider or handler was for that competition.especially helpful for selling the horse later on.
6. The "Riding And Training Log" section is for you to write the name of the horse you are training, date, activity, hours spent and a space to make notes....