"This is a strong recommend for horror fans, movie buffs, and curious fans of the supernatural and the occult.""What Lance Gilbert accomplishes is to take the rumors and gossip of Hollywood and allow the reader to delve deep into the possibility that perhaps the things that go bump in the night might have followed some of our favorite actors and filmmakers home when invoked on set."
"His writing would be the perfect narrative for a documentary on the subject. I wouldn't be surprised at all if a director or producer takes up this material and runs with it. There are just too many wonderful facts and events in this book to be ignored. Gilbert has a winner on his hands."
"It's a fascinating and fun read. I look forward to seeing this series continue and what other unsettling details and connections Gilbert can terrorize us with."
"Perfect for Halloween! If you are a horror film fan; you're in for a real treat!"
"This book actually made me consider these films from a totally different point-of-view. I also enjoyed that they were classic horror films that I vividly recollect from my childhood, as opposed to some of the more run-of-the-mill offerings from today."
"As a bit of a skeptic, I wasn't sure how I would respond to some of the information given in the book, but Mr. Gilbert's research and storytelling is extremely convincing. This book was a true page-turner that I had difficulty putting down."
"It truly leaves you wanting to learn more, and I can't wait for the second book in the series. Even if you're not a horror film fan, don't let that discourage you. Any film fan or historian would be intrigued by the well-told stories in this book."
Do you love horror movies and/or the paranormal?
Did you know that certain films with occult and supernatural themes are connected to bad luck and death?
Have you ever had disturbing dreams or upheaval in your life for days or even weeks after watching scary films?
Just when you thought it was safe to go to sleep comes a book on the horror genre like no other. Horror movies give us a delightful rush, but does it come at a cost much higher than the price of a ticket at the box office?
Book 1 of The Secret Life of Horror Movies series examines notorious movie curses that have made even skeptics wonder if the supernatural forces depicted in the films had their revenge on the people involved in making it.
From haunted movie sets depicting ghosts, possession, and murder to the tragic ends of actors and members of the film crew who thought the blood would stop flowing when the director yelled 'cut!', we'll explore the fine line between a good scare and a door that shouldn't have been opened.
You surely know the movies and likely know some of the stories, but you've never read such an in-depth analysis of these famous curses from someone that knows first-hand how such legends come into being.
From the creepy Poltergeist and Exorcist Curses to the grisly Tate/Manson family killings that are eerily connected to Rosemary's Baby, we'll bravely look under the bed to see if the real bogey man is to blame. Was the production of The Omen literally under attack by Satan himself? Did the infamous shower stabbing scene in Hitchcock's classic, Psycho, create a murderous vortex that claimed its victim many years later?
Don't think there's a correlation between horror movies and the freaky stuff that happens in our 'real' lives? That's perfectly fine because belief isn't required to enjoy this book. However, you might as well look behind the silver screen while you have a chance. It might increase your life expectancy!