This book supplies an overall quick vision of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. I hope I will
obtain through it, an adequate thought and suitable method on the TCM. It seems to me that
a similar work doesn't exist yet in the medical scenery. Through the physics laws, it was possible
to me to render the esoteric language of the ancient books using an easy-to-understand
process also for our culture.
This is the reason why epistemology, that is the explanation of the methodology, is so important
in the book. The work in fact, is not so exhaustive as an applying manual, but it is complete
from an operative point of view, since it explains the way in which this medicine actuates.
The Chinese thought derives from an ideographic mind. The writing, based upon images,
is very synthetic and the Taoism - the cosmological philosophy - has expressed a Theory of
Everything even before our science describing, through the TAO image, the Einstein Electromagnetic
In the past, when our idea of energy was linked to the concept of the mass in motion (Newton),
it should be difficult to carry out this connection, but today, the identity between the Taoist
Universe and the Einstein one is really possible. By now, even in the occidental philosophy,
energy is more important than matter and the exchange of the ideas is more important than
the exchange of goods.
Furthermore, the image of TAO seems to describe also the dilemma of the atomic physics: is
there a wave or a particle at the base of the reality?
Also in China, as well as in all the ancient communities based on agriculture, men used to study
the stars with the aim of understanding the way in which the sky was managing the Earth.
Then, Chinese people put in relation the green of the plants in spring with the sharp taste of
fruit, the green of the bile with the acidity of oesophagus reflux, the renewal of nature with the
impulse to action. Furthermore, the warmth in summer, with the red of the blood, of the heart
and of the joy; the hot taste of the fermented food with the idea of memory and conservation,
the early dark in winter with the shiver of cold and fear. The sun turns up blue in the morning,
yellow in the afternoon and red in the evening, like the colours of the seasons during the year.
Here is the analogy of Nature, which germinates in spring, ripens in summer, rots in autumn
and rests in winter!
For my family and for my patients,
the reason and the joy of my life.
Several concurrent events such as tastes, smells and colours, without any apparent causal relation
among them, transmit in Nature events with only a message, the message of time: exactly
as the skin does with the age.
In the past, some patients asked me to explain the way I use to treat them. In this book they
can find the answer to it: I always try to adjust the organism to a Universe composed of waves.
For this reason in the book, at first I refer the holistic concept and the concept of similitude in
homeopathy, since they are known in our culture. Then, I introduce the less known concepts of
the Chinese Cosmological Holism and of the analogy, that is to be interpreted - like the similitude
- through the idea of wave-resonance, as the Voll and Brügemann machines demonstrate.
The evocation of the physical laws at the base of the homeopathy may be useful to its detractors.
I remind them, moreover, that Hippocrates also founded the homeopathy, as well as the
traditional medicin