Hope is measurable, and teachable. Tested and approved by teens, the 'Hopeful Minds(R) Teen Hpeguide is a 12-module workbook that introduces the Five Keys to Shine Hope(TM) Stress Skills, Happiness Habits, Inspired Actions, Nourishing Networks, and Eliminating Challenges. This comprehensive approach empowers teens to navigate challenges, embrace positivity, and empower resilience.
The workbook employs a peer-to-peer teaching style, encouraging both individual reflection and group discussions. Interactive elements such as engaging activities, games, creative expressions, worksheets, and puzzles enhance the learning experience. The workbook itself is the curriculum, so educators are not necessary for use. We encourage having facilitators, yet it is designed for anyone to use.
It is based on the award-winning Hopeful Minds(R)program, and is intended for teens to do together. As in the US alone 57% of teen girls are identifying with persistent hopelessness, we encourage entire schools and classrooms to do the program. It is a proactive, protective approach to mental health. These are skills all youth need to learn, and are able to be implemented in classrooms, after-school programs, places of worship, and more. Anywhere that teens gather, this program is encouraged for use.
As hopelessness predicts violence, addiction, self-harm, and suicide, the aim is to ensure all know how to hope. Hope is a protective factor for anxiety and depression, and those higher in hope are more likely to live long lives, be engaged at work, graduate from school, and have positive relationships. Hope is a necessary skill for all we want in life.
The program is also available for bulk license to be distributed to entire schools, companies, organizations, communities, or cities. To do so, please e-mail anna@theshinehopecompany.com.