Hope through GOD's saving grace is needed in this day and age.
Who can we trust when we have misinformation from the news politicians and our leaders?
This book is about hope, documenting eyewitness testimony of Jesus fulfilling prophecies that were made over 1000 years before Jesus's birth through various prophets.
With Jesus fulfilling those powerful prophecies we will be looking at another area of confirming Jesus divinity by the miracles that he performed through documented eyewitness testimony.
God gave us prophecies to identify the Messiah. When a prophecy in the Bible said during the prophesied week of Jesus's crucifixion, Jesus was to ride into Jerusalem on a colt, be rejected by the leaders, betrayed by one of his disciples for 30 pieces of silver, hands and feet pierced, crucified on the cross, had no bones broken, died, buried, and resurrected from the dead on the third day 1000 + years before he was born and fulfilled when he was crucified that is a prophecy fulfilled.
In the case of the biblical prophecies they were made over 1000 years before Jesus was born and then fulfilled after he was born. If Jesus failed to fulfill even one prophecy, then he's not the Christ. Since Jesus did fulfill the prophecies, through eyewitness testimonies, the only conclusion is that he really is the Christ and the Messiah. A prophet has to be 100% right 100% of the time to be a true prophet.
With all of life challenges it's good to know that Jesus alone has answers to life problems.
In writing this book I wanted to layout a sequence of events, the birth of Jesus Christ, his ministry, miracles performed, his crucifixion, his death his resurrection, and ascension into heaven fulfilling the prophecies of old.
Jesus was seen after he died on the cross and how he visited his disciples, his mother, disciples and then ascended into heaven.
Other religions, false prophets or false ministers say that Jesus was only a spirit, (if existed) and when we die we only become spirits.
The story of doubting Thomas (one of Jesus's disciples) provides information that we are not going to just be a spirit but will have flesh and blood bodies.
But then Jesus said to Thomas, touch my side where the centurion put his spear into me, piercing my lungs and heart, put your hands on my pierced hands and feet.
The example of Thomas was documented to let us know that in the future we will have false prophets that will say that we will only be a spirit when we die and distort the Biblical messages.
Another proof that Jesus knows all before it happens in the future there will be false prophets that will distort the Bible. As you read the prophecies, fulfillment and miracles, you will witness a greater depth of knowing Jesus and his message of salvation.
I hope you enjoy the book and learn something from it hoping that it will give you confidence that there's something after death and that you can trust and believe in Jesus Christ as your savior and that you can be with him after you die.