About one million years ago, when Homo Erectus decided to walk on two legs, he must have sensed that things would never be the same for him again -- that he could kiss his old ape habits goodbye. No more swinging from tree branch to tree branch, no more throwing his feces around. He would have also been the first to admit that he wasn't quite ready yet for martinis, smoking jackets and Masterpiece Theatre. A lot of men today find themselves in a similar position -- aware they can't go back to what they were and, at the same time, unable to figure out what they are supposed to become.
Women are trying to figure out the New Man too. And who better to ask than an insider, a man? Joel Yanofsky says, "When I was approached about writing a book about sex from a guy's point of view, I began to laugh. I don't mean giggle or chuckle either. I mean laugh uncontrollably, hysterically. Which is one of the reasons for writing this book: to figure out what the joke is and, better yet, who it is on. Women are more confusing than ever, not always a bad thing. So is knowing what it means to be a man, not always a bad thing either. I still don't know what it is I find so amusing. Except I'm still laughing. I can't promise answers, but I do have a few theories."
You'll be laughing too as you follow Yanofsky through the minefields of dating, mating, and breaking up in the nineties.
About the Author: Joel Yanofsky has worked as a literary journalist, book reviewer and freelance writer since 1983. He has interviewed and profiled dozens of authors, from Margaret Atwood to John Updike. He has been a columnist for The Montreal Gazette, and his humour columns have appeared in MTL magazine, MENZ, Books in Canada and The Gazette. He's also written for The Village Voice, Chatelaine, Reader's Digest, TV Guide, The Globe and Mail and The Toronto Star. He has been nominated for two Quebec Magazine awards. His autobiographical novel Jacob's Ladder was published in 1997, his memoir Mordecai and Me in 2003, and his memoir Bad Animals in 2011.