This workbook contains almost 100 pages of math and language arts for the month of April, a perfect companion for a third or fourth-grader.
It begins with seven pages dedicated to the month of April where a student can keep a list of the books they read during the month, places they visited, people they talked to, interesting words they came across, their favorite memory, and a calendar to keep track of their work each day. Eighty pages of unique activities follow: a word search on the Universe, Unscramble, estimating and counting Area and Perimeter, lots of Narrative writing, Connect the Syllables, Hexagons, Find ten errors in a Multiplication Chart, three-digit Addition, Comparing numbers, What is missing, facts about the Presidents, single and multi-digit Multiplication and Division, Antonyms, Story-starters, Missing numbers, Divergent thinking, Differences, Sudoku, Sequence, Creative Writing, Arrays, Prepositional Phrases, describing Nature, Wildlife vocabulary, counting Polygons, Weird and Wacky Weather story writing, Make a list, Similes, Comparative and Superlative adjectives, Subtraction and Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe, Multiplication Hangman (or HangSpider), Rectangles, Finish this story, Wise sayings, Compare and Contrast geometric shapes, drawing Triangles, asking Questions about Wildlife, Circles, and lots of Word Searches. Finishing off this workbook are twelve pages for writing stories and illustrating.
Students may work on the pages they choose each day (as long as they show their work to their parents and get it signed at the bottom). Some students will complete one or two pages a night, while others will try to finish every page in this workbook. These pages can be copied by a teacher and distributed to students one at a time at the end of the day. It's your choice. This workbook is the perfect companion to school, a ready-made collection of homework pages waiting to be used, mixing opportunities of exploration and creativity with the need for computation and standards.
This workbook is part of a series that you can use throughout the year:
Homework for Smart Kids - SeptemberHomework for Smart Kids - OctoberHomework for Smart Kids - NovemberHomework for Smart Kids - DecemberHomework for Smart Kids - JanuaryHomework for Smart Kids - FebruaryHomework for Smart Kids - MarchHomework for Smart Kids - AprilHomework for Smart Kids - MayHomework for Smart Kids - June