Do you want to find the best solution to sanitize your hands, thus reducing the spread of viruses and bacteria?And would you like to discover how to create DIY hand sanitizer, with simple step-by-step guide?
If you want to prevent the transmission of microbes and disease - including COVID-19, caused by the novel Coronavirus - then keep reading.
Everybody knows that the best way to limit diffusion of germs is to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your face.
But sometimes even if you're traveling or otherwise don't have access to soap and water, the next best thing is using an hand sanitizer.
When dealing with major emergencies and global pandemics, it can become very difficult to find hand hygiene products, in pharmacies or in other stores.
For example in our times, with increasing public awareness about the novel Coronavirus outbreak, hand sanitizer is becoming difficult - if not impossible - to find.
However, the best solution to apply in this case, is learning how to make your own homemade Hand Sanitizer.
A wide range of websites have published explanations on how to mix up your own hand-sanitizing formula, but often these formulation could be very harmful and dangerous for our health.
In order to spread information that could be beneficial for our health I wrote this step-by-step DIY craft guide. In this concise Homemade Hand Sanitizer book you'll learn:
- Effective hygiene formulas and habits to prevent the spread of viruses
- The best formulas to create natural hand sanitizers, respectful of the skin that doesn't burn;
- Fast and simple methods to prepare different powerful homemade solutions against the action of germs and bacteria, including form of gel, spray, foam and wipes
Even if hand washing is the better method for avoiding germs, hand sanitizers remain popular because of their convenience and efficient. Hands should be sanitized throughout the day, especially after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose, before eating, and after using the restroom.
And even though local shops may temporarily run out of hand sanitizer you absolutely need to start crafting your own best disinfectants in order to survive any global emergency.
Remember...The importance you give to your personal hygiene will preserve your health and that of others.
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