In her literary debut, Renée Russell tells a compelling story of family, faith and fortune with a shocking revelation that threatens to destroy a prominent and well-to-do family. We are introduced to the family of over achievers, the intentional genXers Reese and Naomi, and the free-wheeling millennials Kimber and Ollie, each with their own growing pains, challenges, hardships and heartbreak on their path to discovery, success, and triumph. Idris Gordon is the widely respected and painfully complicated patriarch of the family, who, with a giving heart, sheer will, hard work, and the strong hand of his doting wife, Janet, transformed his humble immigrant beginnings into a estimable life of prominence and affluence. As the consequences of his infidelity reverberate throughout his family down to his grandchildren, the riveting tale narrows in on his eldest daughter Reese Robinson, a successful Manhattan psychiatrist. A committed wife and devoted mother, Reese loves her husband and adores her daughter. However, traumatized by her father's infidelity and her mother's acceptance of it, Reese's own marriage to famous hall of famer and ESPN anchor James Robinson is on the brink of destruction. She has to lean on her faith and her unwavering commitment to her family to make it through.
Russell unveils a cacophony of unexpected experiences, behaviors, emotions, and views that remind us how important the not so little things are to defining ourselves and our own sense of happiness. As they grapple with a new reality, the Gordons, Robinsons, and Johnsons show us selflessness, forgiveness and compromise, the practical side of true love.
The cast of characters who make up this prominent family are so perfectly imperfect, the nuances and dynamics of their relationships so real yet so intriguing that Renée Russell keeps us on our toes wanting for more.