About the Book
Please contact me at "buddyvaiden@gmail.com, should you want to be referred to the right book for any present, and pressing, situation. The Holy Grail of the Tangible, and Intangible Sales Management Profession, is a conglomeration of the most successful sales techniques used in the field, and computer oriented environments. These have been gleaned from my twenty five years of sales, and sales management "trial and error" experience. I have sold tangible, and intangible products, and while some basic sales principles apply to both, there are several very important differences. addressing how both products must be introduced, presented, and sold. There are multiple word sales cold call presentations, word for word sales presentations, and multiple choices as to what you want to use, to successful closes. As commercial business, and personal environments vary, depending on product, and the sales choices that must be used to adapt you, and the prospect, or present customer, to create the magic of the sales experience. Whether in an office, across a dining room table, or other situations where your intuition tells you what will work, and what will not! I have included how to handle multiple bid situations, and very specific modalities for large account penetration, as well as proprietorships. I am introducing a new, and effective way, to create a customer networking "club", that is to be used to guarantee customer loyalty, and long term constructive relationships. Attention is given to personal life skills, for a happier, and healthier personal life! Also, how the content, and understanding of having self-fulfillment, understanding, compassion, and leadership, can be used to strengthen your ties to your family. While this is only book three of the "Hoodwinking" series, you will see that what is going to work for you, is borrowed from Bible scriptural accounts that apply today, in your sales, and sales management success. While the presented "conversations" that I have included in this book, generally were developed by me over the time of my sales profession, some other materials that I felt were pertinent to have an incredible sales skills notebook. I have been able to quote the Bible scriptures where I have found the key to analyze correctly, exactly what situation you find yourself in, and make it work for you! This book is a personal letter, from me, to you. The things, the procedures that have always worked, have been muddled by so-called business consultants, and author's that sell "positive attitude Rah-Rah-" books. This is a partial account of the sales presentations that cut right to the bone of the true definition of what "thoroughbred" sales is. Do not try to read the book in one, or two sittings. Take one idea, or sales presentation at a time, digest it correctly, use it till you know it by heart, then move on I also provide answers to the questions you have had in the back of your mind of what true spirituality, and God's promise is to us, that you will not find in any religious movement in the entire world. The questions that you have had regarding the importance of coming to know God's Will, through Jesus Christ our King and Redeemer, are answered here. All the "Touched" series books answer the questions you have had, as to what Christ's crucifixion really means to all of us in a very tangible way. I humbly present the answers to questions you never knew you had. Politicians, and preachers have always been considered as nothing more than career salespersons. Considering the state of the world's populations today, they have lost much of their credibility. Mark on your timeline when you bought this book, as you are to be further elevated into the world of complete credibility, and professionalism. Then make a mark when you finish reading this book, and see how very far you have traveled. It is a good place to be!
About the Author: Please contact me at "buddyvaiden@gmail.com, for a book title recommendation for any present, and pressing situation. What I am today was a painstaking past. While God had given me this enormous ability to write, paint, and maintain a specialty greeting card business. It came at a very high price. I know without any doubt that I have been given the ability to identify that which produces bad fruit, my ability to stand up to what is not right has increased exponentially. An example. The "Richter Scale" used to measure the strength of an earthquake, is not just a set number that counts sequentially. A category 2.3 earthquake is considered as minor. A 7.5 earthquake represents a multiplication of the 2.3 earthquake, and is as much as 15 times stronger, or more. Such has happened to my writing skills. Compared to the first book I wrote, and published by Eloquent Book Publishers in 2009, there is no comparison to the increase in understanding the human condition, and my ability to promote understanding, maturity, and insight to my readers. I have written a complete bibliography of my secular, philanthropic, and personal achievements that I was able to reach, before my disability in 1990. Should I be considered a "well rounded" person? What I have been able to accomplish despite my mental illnesses, I find that now, I am happy with the person that I have come to be. No greater answer to my prayers, that I have SIGNIFICANTLY added to your life, and those who are your significant others, I will be satisfied with that. Should you have any questions regarding whether the content of this book contains information that is applicable to your specific situation, contact me at "buddyvaiden@aol.com