One of the questions that often gets asked about the concentration camps of World War II is how the Nazi's were able to gain the compliance of all citizens in order to segregate and murder over 6 million Jewish people. The number is staggering. That number represents nearly two thirds of the Jewish population in Europe. With anti-semantic feelings growing in Europe again, this is a valid question.
The answer is fear. Citizens feared that they would meet the same fate. That their loved ones would be punished. So many turned a blind eye, or worse helped.
There were those that did not. These are those that we consider heroes of the Holocaust. They worked in secret, guarding children, families, innocent men and women condemned to die simply because of their faith.
Learn more about the man hailed as the real "Captain American", risking his life to smuggle out large numbers of Jews at a time. Find out why he would be haunted until the end of his life because of those he couldn't save.
Read about the country whose citizens believed in the ideal of human kindness on a widespread basis, sacrificing their freedom for those that believed something different from their own faith.
These are but a few stories of bravery and the indomitable human spirit that resides in us all if we dare to find it.
Comments From Other Readers
"In one of the darkest times, these stories shine like a beacon of light. Each story is well written and gives not only the details of sacrifice made, but also the history behind them. These are not the types of things you read about in your standard history text. The author paints a picture of unity and brotherhood that our nations sorely need to find today." Rolland - Manitoba (Canada)
"The Holocaust brings tears to my eyes. Ever since I read the Diary of Anne Frank when I was in school, I've been interested in the events of World War II. The idea that nations could turn a blind eye while 6 million people were murdered is shocking. Men, women, children, it didn't matter. That's why books like this one are so important. Not everyone was blind to the horror. There were heroes and this book is an excellent example of just a few that gave everything to save strangers. Well written, intriguing, and simply a good read." Christina - Missouri (US).
About the Author: "Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft." - Winston Churchill By studying our past, we are able to better understand our future. History happened for a reason, and it's our job to identify and fascinate ourselves with our past successes and failures. This is the creed that Ryan Jenkins follows. Ryan Jenkins is an advocate learner and experienced historian. He has mainly focused his studies on the events and stories of World War II, World War I, and the Vietnam War. Ryan has spent years in the field conducting intensive research, and personally uncovering relics from the past. He enjoys exploring into historical matters himself, which includes combing through past battlefields, or interviewing other well-known historians. In his books, Ryan provides in-depth, factual historical stories that are both consuming and gripping. Unlike long drawn, boring historical reads, Ryan's content focuses on hitting key points, while keeping it entertaining and enjoyable. Whether you are researching for a history project or looking to learn more about past events, Ryan's books will suck you in from page one. When not writing, Ryan enjoys the company of his family and exploring unique areas in the world.