About the Author: Editors
Yoshio Asai is a professor of economic history at Seijo University. He is the author of "Sengo Kaikaku to Minshushugi "(Post-war Economic Reforms and Democracy) (2001); and a co-author of "Showa Zaiseishi, 1952 73 "(History of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Japan, 1952 73)," "Vol.11 (1999), Vol.12 (1992")"; and" Kinyu Kiki to Kakushin "(Financial Crises and Innovations)(2000).
Masanao Itoh is professor at Otsuma Women s University and professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo. His main writings are "Japanese Overseas Finance and Financial Policy 1914 1936 ( "Nagoya University Press, 1989, in Japanese), which was awarded the 31st Japan Economist Prize in 1990; "History of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Japan 1974 1989, " Vol. 7, 11: International Finance and External Economic Affairs (Ministry of Finance, Toyo Keizai Inc., editor, 2003, 2004, in Japanese); "Japanese Overseas Finance and Financial Policy 1945 1974 "and" The Formation and the End of the 360 Yen Dollar Rate "(Nagoya University Press, 2009, in Japanese); and "Why Have the Financial Crises Been Repeated?" Junpo-sha, 2010, in Japanese).
Kazuhiko Yago, born in 1962, professor at Waseda University, Faculty of Commerce, defended his doctoral dissertation L epargne populaire comme fonds de placement public: Caisse des Depots et Consignations at Universite Paris X in 1996. Publications include: "Asian Imperial Banking History "(with Hubert Bonin and Nuno Valerio), (Pickering and Chatto, 2014); "The Financial History of the Bank for International Settlements" (Routledge, 2012); La Banque du Japon dans le systeme monetaire international,1945 1985, in Olivier Feiertag et Michel Margairaz, dirs., "Les banques centrales a l'echelle du monde" (Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 2012).