Medical field derailed into the black market when money was insufficient while it became a hostel hunting fun challenges for boring rich doctors. Like a guinea pig, they cut a baby into pieces like an animal in a farm for money. When you came into the hospital for a cold, you ended up in an emergency dead bed. Human life has no value to these doctors. A group of highly specialized doctors in Orange County targeted HoaiMi for a complicated heart disease and a serious systemic genetic deletion disorder. With such arrays of complications caused by the absence of the gene, the evil mastermind doctors were capable of drawing a perfect fraud disease picture pocketed several millions.
Hippocratic Money, The Modern Age Medical Fraud shall detail an intelligence organized medical fraud crimes committed against one baby girl at a specialized doctorate level. It was simple to convict a criminal of their crime, but it would require exponential effort just to prove a medical fraud committed by a doctor. In the mids 1980s, when those doctors were poor, I was the only person who landed them a helping hand. At the same time, I opened up doors for them into the Hippocratic Oath and the riches of life in the land of opportunity. At fulfillment, they decided to play God with medicine and splattered the Hippocratic Oath they once swore before the Apollo and the healers. They chose maleficent. Worst of all, they decided to hurt the baby of the only man who helped them during their crisis.
One man against all odds, the enemy of the states, I was all alone and everything was contained. I knew that the medical conditions imposed unto my daughter was a set up template, a bullet proof fraud profile of the medical disorder. I sought for helped from the local police department up to the Presidential level, they discredited me as a targeted individual victim, branded insanity into my record, and ignored helping a baby from medical fraud. At the age of three, HoaiMi was capable of pleasing and making people laugh to avoid unnecessary torment unto her by the hospital staff. They would abuse, man handled, tortured, and harmed my baby. At five years, she pulled up the shirt to show me the cuts and told me, "looked daddy, looked." There were a G-tube, many cuts and wires all over her body. She was telling me that I failed to defend her.
Thousands of tears, it was unbelievably painful to watch a crime committed unto your own child before your own eyes. It hurt even worse that the doctors I cultivated were the one who hurts my child. There was no proper term to describe such pain. HoaiMi continued to be the victim of medical fraud while I continued being the targeting individual victim of the crime unto myself. The organized crime group almost killed the baby several times while they almost killed me many times. Without God, our lives would have ended. Until today, the government still refused to help although they knew. There was no justice brought against anyone, but we continued to be victim of the crime in the heart of Orange County.