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Hints Regarding the East India Monopoly: Respectfully Submitted to the British Legislature (Classic Reprint)

Hints Regarding the East India Monopoly: Respectfully Submitted to the British Legislature (Classic Reprint)


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Excerpt from Hints Regarding the East India Monopoly: Respectfully Submitted to the British Legislature

Mspec eciés 01 politicaimower and;(impmtancefifiiithicommcn 5111111113 wfii'élthifimlo13103115111woul1l11esult fwmsitsuchaeacter yaadisitliatiqamnost consisteotmithgindiyidual interest mia Jismx'iim 'tu barisildetm As to the commercial and political difficulties that may bqfiemlved 11111013;i Ination, by limestrainedi inte'rotfiirsc tqtheilplastiithese, ivhateyer theyzmayqtumfput to he, ought mats discompose um Them 19 a seesdnmhemnattons like individuals may, p'ut forth their whole stiefngth, inotjonl) Withowtudapgegwbugt with the b1315go1; and egi'eigypfimhe British govemment 111111 4111091113, exhibited by} themlonlevery suitable occaswniibanaotimake us estimate any; difficulties thatncan hene ps'esefiti themselves, matters of mych importance.qpatriotism and-lo) alty, ctiurage aiid qualities of all others the mostjn'éccs say for surmounting obstacles and eesolvmg 'adi antages, in to genera}! Good were zgeverqso playalertt, andfievefisot suc in our 11343391! As m presentnd 0am: capital industry and ittteizpliizee 13111115011? Mesons? O'w abetted hymtninfival padwess aand militarnorce, and by thetexaitedlcharactaémef oumgovem merit, ang gyppgrted territorial azcquisi - tions sit'liatflvhaye fat length, been 3111511111111 to: our byght toreise us; above all sus means a11d' such 5 powers must oil: obstruction; rand nothinglbfit me of, policy can'prevent their to. The highest-pitch of advance immense, but as theyare no innate 'stamina1 vigor, they ut abatement; Holland and fpo'rtu. Severally, had possessions' everymv'ay 0 their natiyefipowenpand it w'asinet by their; corruptioniand oppression that their fate was blighted. It becomes us, like Rome, to assimolatefto ope chaijacter all that phas becomerfoum own; anilxthen; jlike'romeq though the twh o'lej -'ea1111 sliotild'fall 11111114311 lour'iiswayl radical streng'ttuand 1111101161111}: lo now? Be thelmdrélefieaually established and confirmed. 1130111101; 1111 1°f111orr1rnt-o (ll 11 a' 11111 islnotlatlnlllnteant 16 say; 'ithatlnotlfing like' lilifflc'ulty, 'or. Ohsta'e10; or disappointment W111 lappear in'ithe expansion of; oomineroemandhinduistry; th'at' 1s héle supposed. 011'the éontrary 1115111611: an exten'dedlsc'hale of' action; we must ex, peat) tliatcthesebwill' but unless our character shall répcidlyidegenenafie; obstruction will only be the prelude to to higher attainments, and disappoint mentttonrnoreo severef and ardu'ous preparations Let it be recollecte'd; Lthatleveryinew commercial attainrnent will not qnly constitute a trophy to the British name; but form the meansfom farther: attain'1nents; - that' every new indication of improvement thus procured will not only' augment our resources, ' butltendt to the stability of those already obtain ed, 'wdud1us8confirin our commercial asc'endency aniongst the nations, i - and thataevery developement of th s'ascendency will prove alspring to the advancement (four personal chai noters' It is no'tzi'or a moment vtd he adniitted, that Our constitutedmowers are incompetent 'to the 1011111111011 of' a systemf iegulations suited to 511011 increasmg power, nor that imbecillity of mind' 'and feebleness 'oi' conception ivill prevent: the nation from availing itself'fully if such advan tages; as is but too frequently admitted 011 the contrary, taking. For my 1016, those high displays ass, and of force 'of have navy and other fields'of enterprize, and Wherev'er'a'fair and full dpportunityhas offered, I must'contend, that our 11111161111 chaiacter has not yet sufficiently developed itself, that itr'is still in a state of pupilage, and that a more ample range is necessary for 1t31f ull exercise and denouement.

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9781330987308
  • Publisher: Forgotten Books
  • Publisher Imprint: Forgotten Books
  • Height: 225 mm
  • No of Pages: 62
  • Series Title: English
  • Weight: 100 gr
  • ISBN-10: 1330987306
  • Publisher Date: 29 Nov 2018
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Language: English
  • Returnable: N
  • Spine Width: 3 mm
  • Width: 150 mm

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Hints Regarding the East India Monopoly: Respectfully Submitted to the British Legislature (Classic Reprint)
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Hints Regarding the East India Monopoly: Respectfully Submitted to the British Legislature (Classic Reprint)
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Hints Regarding the East India Monopoly: Respectfully Submitted to the British Legislature (Classic Reprint)

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