About the Book
This is a reference book on pulmonary disease. It presents the new techniques like CT of the chest with high resolution which have changed the understanding of pulmonary diseases. It is designed to serve as a bed side reference for practitioners. It presents CT techniques and anatomy giving a brief overview of lung diseases. The disease process is analyzed by presenting 102 cases dealing with common and uncommon pulmonary conditions and signs. It includes useful hints for chest imaging with seven pullouts containing approaches to pulmonary imaging. A CD-ROM containing all the pictures from the book with a presentation on pattern approach has been included and would be useful for teaching purpose. This book has the potential to change and improve clinical practice in pulmonary critical care and stay informed with the latest developments in techniques and patient care. SECTION 1: CT Techniques and Anatomy, SECTION 2: Overview of Lung Diseases, SECTION 3: Cases, 1. Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis, 2. Abscess, 3. Acinus, 4. Adenocarcinoma, 5. Air Trapping, 6. Architectural Distortion, 7. Aspergilloma, 8. Asthma, 9. Atelectasis, 10. Azygous Lobe Fissure, 11. Alveolar Proteinosis, 12. ARDS, 13. Aspiration, 14. Bronchiolitis, 15. Bronchiolectasis, 16. Broncholithiasis, 17. BP Fistula, 18. Bronchiectasi, 19. Bulla, 20. Bubble Lucencies, 21. Bronchoalveolar Carcinoma, 22. BOOP, 23. Bronchogenic Cyst, 24. Bronchial Atresia, 25. Cavity, 26. Conglomerate Mass, 27. Consolidation, 28. Cyst, 29. Compensatory Hyperinflation, 30. Cystic Fibrosis, 31. Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia, 32. Cong. Lobar Emphysema, 33. Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation, 34. Drug-Induced Lung Disease, 35. Emphysema, 36. Embolism/Infarction, 37. Endobronchial Obstruction, 38. End-Stage Lung, 39. Ewings Tumor, 40. Fungal Abscess, 41. Fissural Fluid, 42. Ground Glass Opacity, 43. Honeycombing, 44. Hypersensitive Pneumonitis, 45. Pulmonary Hemorrhage, 46. Hyperlucent Hemithorax, 47. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, 48. Lymphangitic Carcinomatosis, 49. Miliary Pattern, 50. Mosaic Perfusion, 51. Middle Lobe Syndrom, 52. Mesothelioma, 53. Neoplasia, 54. Nodules, 55. Obstructive Hyperinflation, 56. Parenchymal Band-Linear, 57. Pancoast Tumor, 58. Pleural Calcification, 59. Pleural Thickening, 60. Pleural Effusion, 61. Pneumatocele, 62. Pneumothorax, 63. Pleural Deposit, 64. Pulmonary Contusion, 65. Pulmonary Edema, 66. Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia, 67. Pulmonary Laceration, 68. Pulmonary AV Malformation, 69. Poland Syndrome, 70. Rasmussens Aneurysm, 71. Reticular Pattern, 72. Round Atelectasis, 73. Rheumatoid Lung, 74. Radiation Pneumonitis, 75. Silicosis, 76. Sarcoidosis, 77. Scleroderma, 78. Secondaries, 79. Septal Thickening, 80. Subpleural Line, 81. SPN, 82. Sequestration, 83. Tracheomegaly, 84. Traction Bronchiectasis, 85. Transbronchial Spread, 86. Tuberculosis, 87. Tree-in-Bud, 88. Three Dimensional Rendering Techniques, 89. Wegeners Granuloma, 90. Sign in Thoracic CT, 91. Air Crescent Sign, 92. Drowned Lung Sign, 93. Fallen Lung Sign, 94. Gloved Finger Sign, 95. Golden S Sign, 96. Halo Sign, 97. Hamptons Hump Sign, 98. CT Angiogram Sign, 99. Signet-Ring Sign, 100. Split Pleura Sign, 101. Western-Mark Sign, 102. Luftsichel Sign.