About the Book
Property Ownership Versus StewardHeirShip . . . What Is the "Divine Design"? We invite you to participate in a cocreative visioning process to discern how to manifest StewardHeirShip of this extraordinary 134 acre property with several bodies of water near Sedona, Arizona, It includes a 5,000 square foot lodge (with 10 bedrooms, dining room, commercial kitchen, lounge), 4 houses, pastures, barn, stables, pond, etc. "The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in the 24th century. We work to better ourselves and better all of humanity." - Captain Picard, First Contact (Star Trek) StewardHeirShip(TM) encompasses Spirit, Service, Stewardship and Sustainability. We use the acronym S.P.I.R.I.T. for Stewardship, Purpose, Integrity, Responsibility, Inspiration and Transformation. We share Bucky Fuller's vision of "betterment for 100% of humanity" and his concept of stewardship of Spaceship Earth. We decided to use a book format to share our vision and invitation for others to join with us in this project to transform this sacred sanctuary into a demonstration Center for Conscious Sustainable Living. In the book we share information that could be helpful to anyone planning a large-scale project. That includes resources for "Expanding the Circle of Success" and helping generate greater individual and collective capacity for solving the social, economic and environmental challenges we face locally and globally. The book introduces Community Economic Development principles and practices of Self-Help, Empowerment and Capacity-Building, Crowdfunding, Community Land Trusts, and Intentional Communities. It also provides an overview of two reasons we believe this is the richest time in the history of the United States of America to collaborate around a worthwhile cause and purpose, to make a difference and to leave a legacy. Benefit Corporations are a new class of cause-oriented company that use the power of business to create a material positive impact on society and the environment (incorporating the 4Ps of Purpose, People, Planet and Profitability). The recently passed JOBS Act creates Equity Crowdfunding opportunities, eases IPO rules, and will let businesses advertise and generate up to a million dollars a year from up to 2,000 non-accredited investors. We agree with Benjamin Franklin who said "The destiny of America is not power, it is light." We are grateful for these new unprecedented resources that we believe will enable us to help Fulfill the Ultimate Destiny of the USA and the inscription on the Statue of Liberty "Enlightening the world". And yes we are optimistic enough to believe we may even be able to help fulfill our ultimate vision of a United State of Americans, Imagine That! (http: //www.ultimatedestinyoftheusa.info) "Love and co-operation will yet be found to be the greatest business principles on Earth." -- Ernest Holmes, Creative Mind and Success The Cocreative Visioning and Strategic Planning forms included in the book are part of the consulting services we have been paid up to $25,000 to facilitate for communities, counties, chambers of commerce, companies, United Ways, etc. And we are happy to share those resources on a voluntary "Pay What It's Worth To You" donation basis. Those of us involved in the cocreative collaborative process presently focused on this project fully recognize and appreciate the fact that the ranch is a one-of-a-kind property. We also feel it represents an incredible opportunity for us to practice what might be called a higher consciousness approach of "StewardHeirShip". We are seeking to discern and help manifest the highest and best use of the property, what Plato referred to as the "Divine Purpose" for it whether that happens to include us and our vision for its use or not. If you have any interest in the property and or the collaborative process we are sharing, please read the book and share your feedback. We invite your participation at any level and thank you!
About the Author: Charles Betterton has been helping individuals, organizations, and communities discover and manifest more of their ultimate destiny for forty years through personal and community development, empowerment, and transformation. He has over 25 years of leadership experience in disaster relief, community development, and community economic development, (including 15 years with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development). He has a Masters in Community Economic Development (CED) from Southern New Hampshire University and is an Economic Development Finance Specialist. Charles has lived for 25 years in intentional communities with a focus on Spirit, Service, Stewardship and Sustainable Living. He has cofounded dozens of non-profit organizations involved in personal, organizational and community empowerment including CENTER SPACE (the Center for Spiritual, Personal And Community Enlightenment) and the Ultimate Destiny University for Successful Living. He has also cofounded "cause-oriented" companies based on the 4 Ps of Purpose, People, Planet and Profitability including Ultimate Destiny Network, Inc., Universal Stewardheirship, Inc. and the Community Economic Development Resource Center, Inc. Charles has developed and delivered many seminars and workshops and authored or co-authored dozens of books including the 14 titles in the Ultimate Destiny Success System Library he created. He has produced major events for up to 1,800 participants featuring world- class trainers such as Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Bonnie St. John, Brian Tracy, Chin-Ning Chu and others. Charles is a member of the World Business Academy, Social Venture Network, Heart Math, The Love Center, Institute of Noetic Science, and others. Charles is helping manage the non-profit Ultimate Water for Humanity to provide greater access to structured water to some of the one billion residents of SpaceShip Earth who don't have access to clean water. His other projects include Expanding the Circle of Success (http: //www.expandingthecircleofsuccess.org) and Solving Our Personal, Community and Global Success Puzzles (http: //www.ultimatesuccesspuzzle.com). The vision and strategy is to establish a national and international network of CAN DO! Community Resource Centers (http: //www.communityresourcecenters.org) that will provide access to training on Successful Living Skills for the 21st Century (http: //www.successfullivingskillsforthe21century.com).