Science is one of the most essential fields in the modern world-but not everyone knows how it works and what research scientists actually do. You probably sat listening to your childhood science teacher drone on about chemical bonds, specimen dissection, and optics, but now can't recall anything. As a result, you are totally mystified or even terrified by science.
Unexpectedly, you now do need to know more. Help! Maybe you just started a desk job at a technology company. Perhaps an amazing medical research finding might help you. Or your new spouse is a scientist, and you want to understand his or her passion. With this book you will greatly increase your understanding about how science works, what scientists do, and how research operates.
Dr.M, a creative researcher and faculty scientist, presents this easily read guidebook for everyone needing to stop being overwhelmed by science. He explains the different activities of scientists and laboratory staff, what experiments are designed to do, and how research leads to real-life innovations. You will meet prominent scientists, perceive awful scandals, and understand controversies in modern science.
Reintroduce the wonders of science into your life and find out what the hell it's all about!
About the Author: As a faculty scientist, Dr.M has taught medical students and clinical residents, as well as undergraduate and graduate students. He conducts research experiments with never-ending enthusiasm-and his enjoyment increases the more difficult they are. Everything is open to question for this dedicated researcher. Over the years, he's performed fascinating studies on frog eggs, mitochondria, protein macromolecules, liver and hepatoma cells, iron overload, and interactions between electron beams and solid phase salts.
When not working in the laboratory, Dr.M loves to laugh, garden, enjoy nature, eat good food, and spend time with his wonderful wife.
For more information on exciting issues and current controversies for science, research, and scientists, visit Dr. M's website at http: //