Set against the backdrop of World War II, Betty and Tosh's childhood friendship in 1930s Southern California blooms into something more as they navigate the complexities of love, family, and societal expectations. Betty, a spirited tomboy from an established family, and Tosh, the son of Japanese immigrants who work as farmers, find themselves drawn to each other despite the disapproval of their families and society.
As they begin college, their relationship remains unresolved, and they go their separate ways. But the attack on Pearl Harbor changes everything. Tosh and his family are sent to an internment camp. Tosh decides to enlist in the military due to his love of his country despite his belief that his family's internment and that of the thousands of others is unconstitutional. Meanwhile, inspired by Tosh's loyalty, Betty volunteers for the Women's Army Corps.
Tosh undergoes training for a top-secret military program as an interrogator and translator, while Betty becomes part of the Signal Corps. Fate reunites them in Brisbane, Australia, where they finally acknowledge their feelings and find hope for a future together. However, the harsh realities of war and life tear them apart once again.
Betty and Tosh will face challenges, including family disapproval and societal norms. Will they be able to find each other again and follow their hearts, even if it means defying expectations, or will external pressures keep them apart forever?
A poignant tale of love, courage, and resilience, this historical fiction novel transports readers to a tumultuous era where the battle for love is as fierce as the war waged on the battlefield.