Stay-at-home mother of five children, grandmother, victim and survivor of domestic abuse -- this describes myself and perhaps you. These women never give up. They never let their situations overpower them nor shut down the gift within them.
Women are strong, vibrant, fearless, and bold. Nothing can make you change or turn off the power within you. I honor women like you in the book, "The Heart Of A Warrior," to reinforce the power in you. You'll learn how to endure and never give up. After reading this book, you will stand tall and engage life through willpower.
The higher you stand, the braver you will become. "The Heart Of A Warrior" speaks to the heart of women and survivors, encouraging you to help your sisters to rise back up, although they may fall. This book will help you remember the force, the courage, and all colors in the rainbow that represent strength.
Let "The Heart of a Warrior" give you hope. Together, we are one and together we can overcome anything Together, our stories will be played like movies in the eyes of others. Let this book touch your heart and soul, restoring that which is broken and empowering the warrior within you.
Sandra A. Sakponou is a rising leader, the founder and the CEO of Sandra's Motivational Coaching as well as Speak Up For A Change, to empower, to build, and to encourage women around the world to know when and how to stand up to make a change by speaking up.
Sandra is one of the campaign launch leaders of the Born to Lead 2018 movement and a board member of Women of Elevation that helps women to know their value and purpose. Sandra is an international speaker who's engaged an audience in Africa on the subject of self-building, empowers others to become a better version of themselves. She's also a certified leadership coach and trainer.