The first thing I want you to know is that this book is not just a random collection of superstitious dos and don'ts; neither are we presenting you with a conspiracy theory about a hidden fountain of youth. Instead, it is the first step in avoiding illness. Because it is real, what we have for you is far superior to any of that.
How? You'll find out in a moment, but before we start talking about living longer, let's talk about quality of life, which is just as important.
Anyone who has ever had the unfortunate experience of seeing someone who is afflicted with a chronic condition is aware that living and existing are two very different things. When you have grandchildren, how old do you think they will be? What about the grandchildren of the past? Do you intend to observe them? Are you more interested in remaining mobile and independent or just being around?
Although they may appear to be a collection of random questions, they are in fact all essentially the same: Do you really want to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible?
Yes? - So, tell me, what have you done to make sure you are?
It's one thing to say that you want to be healthy, but it's nothing if you don't follow up with proactive efforts to help you keep your promise. And making a promise to yourself that you want to be healthy is also true.
Although it may not sound like one, the moment you tell yourself you want something, you are setting yourself a goal that you must work toward. Because it is a promise you have made to yourself, you are obligated to keep it, and we are here to assist you in doing so!
This very book contains tried-and-true methods that have been found to help you live longer, healthier lives without getting sick!
Conjunctivitis, allergies, diarrhea, the common cold, and the flu, mononucleosis, and abdominal pain
Stop what you are doing and get your copy now