This book has the third part of the entirety of the California health and safety code updated to the 2021 year. Students, practicing attorneys, and the general public can benefit buying this publication, by using it as a reference and by having access to it at their fingertips, they can clarify anything instantly!Finding anything specific you wish for is easy, with a detailed table of contents at your disposal!
Don't wait any longer, get the best, and most recent revision of Health and Safety Code right now!
- Division 23. hospital districts [32000 - 32499.4]
- Division 23.5. endowment hospitals [32500 - 32508]
- Division 24. community development and housing [33000 - 37964]
- Division 25. health and welfare agency-direct service contracts reform act [38000 - 38041]
- Division 25.1. health and welfare agency-administrative appeals process for nonprofit human services agencies [38050 - 38065]
- Division 25.2. state department of health services cooperative agreement act [38070 - 38081.1]
- Division 25.5. California global warming solutions act of 2006 [38500 - 38599]
- Division 26. air resources [39000 - 44474]
- Division 27. California pollution control financing authority act [44500 - 44563]
- Division 28. noise control act [46000 - 46080]
- Division 31. housing and home finance [50000 - 54034]
- Division 32. seismic safety building rehabilitation loans [55000 - 55117]
- Division 37. regulation of environmental protection [57000 - 57020]
- Division 37.5. repair or maintenance projects [57050 - 57053.9]