A Healthy Lifestyle Made Easy and Affordable
Ready to start a healthy lifestyle but confused about all the contradictory information out there? Feeling overwhelmed? Wish there was a short book that would set you on the right path? Then Health Made Simple may be just the book for you! Author John Schott has condensed a decade of research and experimentation into an easily digestible read that will save you ten years of time and hundreds of wasted dollars on other books, fad diets, and supplements that don't work. This book is an intro to everything you might be curious about, from EMFs and GMOs to goji berries and bee pollen. Finally feel empowered and confident about your health rather than confused and defeated.
Give Up Fad Diets Forever
What's the perfect human diet? Is it Paleo? Vegan? Raw food? Low fat? Schott has tried them all and has come out the other side, wiser and with a broader perspective of what "healthy" means. With Health Made Simple, you'll set a nutritional foundation that blends the best of ancestral diets with all the benefits of modern technology and innovation. This food is healthy, tasty, and satisfying because you'll be getting everything your body needs to function at its best. Wondering if dairy, grains, and legumes are for you? Ditch the diet panic and check out Schott's levelheaded perspective on these and other controversial ingredients. You'll finally feel at ease around food again...and finally know what to eat!
Beat Stress, Detox Your World, and Get Healthy for Good
Unlike most health authors out there, Schott recognizes that total wellness is about so much more than diet and exercise. With Health Made Simple, you'll learn how to finally get a good night's rest, figure out if you really need supplements, and set up a clean and healthy home. All of the info here is easy to understand and easy to implement, guaranteeing your health success even if you've failed a hundred times or more with other plans.
Get started on the road to superior wellness-read Health Made Simple on today. Also available on kindle.
About the Author: My whole life - as a boy growing up in my hometown, and now as an adult - I have always intuitively known that my mission has been to spread love and assist humanity in overcoming limits and breaking new ground. Seeing the inequities of the class system alive and well in third-world Colombia, a passion to help humanity bubbled up inside from a very young age. As an entrepreneur in the health field, I have learned the value of hard work and excellence in everything I put forth. I pride myself on my high level of ethics and integrity in this over-saturated and confusing field of health and nutrition.
Throughout my evolution in the health field, I have run the gamut of all diets and nutritional disciplines - both time-tested and newly developed. This has brought me to a unique and more holistic place from where to educate the public on all matters of nutrition. As a gifted whole food chef, my skill exemplifies the standard of optimal health, as well as gourmet cuisine. I am continually engaged in self-study and I am constantly absorbing new information. After 10 years of serving in the health field, and five years of being a health-food restaurant owner and general manager in Miami, Fla., I understand that this is still a very young and somewhat uncharted field. My wisdom increases with each passing day, and I appreciate all there is to learn, as I realize there is always some new facet to immerse myself in, and there are always ways to improve.
I have exposed myself to the wide spectrum of diets and food disciplines out there. I have gone through all the extremes - from being "nourished" by the SAD (Standard American Diet), veganism, vegetarianism, raw vegan, low-carb paleo diet, low fat diet, RBTI, blood type diet, primal diet and paleo. I do not have the next diet fad du jour with my name splattered all over complementary supplements to offer you. Why? Because after all these years, arduous research, and experimentations, I have found balance in eating real food in a sensible and very consciously, omnivorous manner. I believe we all benefit most from listening to our own bodies and understanding that biology is the greatest gauge. I also take advantage of some sound modern diagnostic technologies to monitor bio markers, and all biological levels, so as to minimize the guessing games. I am always on the cutting edge of whole body and nutritional programs.