Human resource development has been acknowledged to be a key factor in the
process of economic growth, as the character and pace of economic and social
development of any country are ultimately determined not by its capital of its material
resources but by human resources. Clearly a country, which is unable to develop the
skills and knowledge of its people and to utilize them effectively in the national
economy, will be unable to develop anything else Shafina Banu. S, (2007).i
Human Resources take active role in the modern economic scenario of any
country. The abundant physical resources alone cannot benefit the growth of the
country without human resources component, which transforms physical resources into productive resources. Human resource should also be looked after properly and
continuously regarding various aspects like development and economic, social and
psychological aspects.
Human Resources play a dominant role in modern economics towards the
achievement of stated goals in both organizations and nation. It is often felt that,
though the exploitation of natural resources, availability of physical and financial
resources and international aid play prominent roles in the growth of modern
economies. None of these factors is more significant than efficient and committed
manpower. The country like India with an abundance of physical resources will not
benefit itself unless human resources make use of them properly Arul
ChelllaKumar. J.A, and Jayakumar.P, (2009)ii.