An inspirational book that collects all of the author's articles written on Jindao Life Transforming Qigong for physical, emotional, and spritual meditation, healing, purifying, and manifesting, which allow you to:
-Eliminate long held unresolved anger and grief. -Develop superior fitness and vitality. -Achieve peace of mind, focus, and clear insight. -Reverse the aging process. -Develop into the fully actualized person that you were meant to be. -Feel happier, energized, and powerful. -Become more efficient and effective. The more positive intention you put out and the more internal blockages you release from within, the more you are also healing the world around you and ultimately universal space, from the molecular to the stellar levels. As you radiate positive intentions, you are an antenna between Heaven and Earth. Heavenly energy always Gives (unconditional love) and Earthy energy always Receives. That is their nature, and they work in harmony with each other. People both give and receive, it is your true nature to be a sharing entity; the intersection of Heaven and Earth. Thus, to you and through you all good things come. As a result of your positive intentions (your desires) health, wealth, prosperity, and happiness are the RESULT of what your attention is focused on. The saying "Where attention goes, energy (Qi) flows", an often repeated quote, is an important thought to consider.
By increasing your sphere of effect, via sending out your positive intentions and focusing your attention on the results that come to you and through you, you affect all the energy around you. You supercharge your energy field and all the energy fields that come in contact with you. Through the practice of Qigong, you become a change agent, a means of transformation from negative to positive, a means for providing harmony to everything around you. Positive intentions bring Joy and Gratitude to all that is around you. Your sphere of influence brings harmony to all that touches it.
The Jindao System produces an Integrated Body / Mind, Peace of Mind, and Self Transformation. The Jindao System converges various theories that address the nature of humanity and its relationship to the universe, in order to provide 'Natural Energetic Healing' for the body, mind, and spirit. The most important ideas, among others, in the Jindao System are: "It's not what you want, but what you got"; "You have to give in order to get"; "The Universe is Giving / Loving Energy, the Earth is Receiving / Accepting Energy, and Humanity is the Sharing/ Union of both", which arise from the very ancient philosophies of Taoism, Chan (Zen) Buddhism, Christian Mysticism, Kabbalism, and Tantra.
About the Author: Mr. Salvatore (Sal) Canzonieri has a BA degree in Behavioral Science, with a Concentration on 'Subcultures and Societal Change' from Drew University in Madison, NJ.
Mr. Canzonieri has been practicing traditional Chinese martial arts since 1975 in such styles as Shuai Jiao, Tong Bei, Shaolin, Taizu Chang Quan, Yue Jia Quan, Xing Yi, Tai Ji Quan, Ba Gua Zhang, and others. He began learning and practicing Qigong / Neigong since 1980.
He has been a certified instructor since 1998 by the International Congress of Oriental Medicine and Martial Arts to represent the state of New Jersey in Chinese Qigong and Internal Martial Arts. From the mid 1980s, he studied Kabbalism, both Jewish and Christian, for many years at various schools in the New York / New Jersey area. He also studied Christian Mysticism and related philosophies for many years as well.
He has been conducting research in the history of traditional Chinese martial arts styles for over 20 years and is most known for his history based articles in various martial arts magazines, such as "Kung Fu Qi Gung" magazine, "Han Wei" magazine, and other publications all over the world (translated in Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Chinese languages).
Mr. Canzonieri has also judged routines for 5 years during the 1990s at the Han Wei Martial Arts Tournaments.
He also taught for over 20 years Qigong / Neigong and Martial Art classes for the Diversity Program and the Employee Health Program, at Bell Laboratories - Lucent Technologies, on ancient Shaolin methods of Qi Gong, Self Defense, and empty hand sets.
Mr. Canzonieri won a Theodore Vail Award (for saving person's life using his Neigong knowledge).
Currently, Mr. Canzonieri is the chief instructor of The Whippany Kung Fu Club and the Natural Chinese Martial Arts & Qigong School of NJ (over 20 years), and resides in New Jersey, USA.
Mr. Canzonieri taught Shaolin Neigong and Self Defense seminars in Valencia Spain in 2008 and 2009; and many private classes and seminars in Canada, and in the USA.