This book is about enlightenment, spiritual wisdom and transformation. It is a tool to help you heal to live. Unhappiness, fear, anxiety, depression and grief are all cries from the soul looking for remedy and solace. Learn how to build self-love, eradicate negative behaviours and find a path to spiritual awakening, with context to:
- Holistic healing
- Chakra balancing and clearing
- Science aligning with spirituality
- Ayurvedic body, mind and spirit balance
- Healing with affirmations
- Diet and the 3 doshas -Pitta, Vata & Kapha
Learn to use your inner wisdom and laws of the universe to create whatever you desire. Align with your purpose in life to 'go within and let the healing begin'.
Kerry shares her effervescence for life by feeding your inner child to find joy and peace. She shares how meditation, channelling, spirits and deities are present as guides in a real and relatable way. Heal to Live is a book that guides you through life challenges, overcoming obstacles and believing in your soul. The heart is sacred and is our gateway to our soul. We can transform our belief patterns through meditation, faith and trusting our inner guidance.
Australian, Kerry Clancey has been an Intuitive, Channeller, Spiritual Teacher & Healer since her extraordinary near-death experience in 2011.
Qualifications include: Writer, Author, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, Yoga Teacher, Meditation Teacher, Crystal Intuitive Healing, Chakra Balancing, Reiki Master, Tibetan Sound Bowls and Gong Master, and a Degree in Counselling/ Human Services/Social Work.