From Amazon #1 Best-Selling Author Wes Raley comes a powerful new book about how to have the peace of God in a world of striving, stress, and anxious toil. "But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God" (Hebrews 10:12 ESV).
We know that Jesus came to give us an abundant life (John 10:10). Yet many of us would frequently describe our lives with words such as busy, stressed, anxious, or even overwhelmed. Despite how much we dislike the weight of such a frantic existence, we often carry on living with a gap between our experience and the fullness of life we know that Jesus has to offer. But it doesn't have to be this way.
God has given us a blueprint in His Word so powerful that if fully embraced, it will effortlessly transport us into the abundant life that Jesus died to give us. We must finally come to grips with the fact that even though our culture may desire us to live fast-paced, ragged lives, God does not. God does not want us to be exhausted, burned out, or at the end of our ropes. His Way always leads us to the fruit of the Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). And while those qualities can only be born in us by His Spirit, they are also indicators of the kind of experience we should be having if we have fully embraced all that is available to us through Christ.
Hebrews 10:12 makes it clear that the position of victory is seated. Seated in our identity in Christ. Seated in all that He has accomplished. Seated in His perfect sovereignty and plan for our lives. Seated in His love. The confidence and peace that comes from being seated with Christ is the breakthrough you long for in your soul. Any sense of dissatisfaction or lack is cast away and then filled up by the fullness of Christ when we remain seated in Him.
Scripture makes it clear that as believers we are already seated with Christ in the heavenly realms - and that is a work of God (Ephesians 2:6). But is our job to stay seated. We must allow that heavenly reality to become our earthly one. Just as Jesus prayed that God's will would be done "on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10), may we allow the heavenly reality of our seated position to be our earthly one - staying seated in our hearts even in a world that daily stands and strives for the fruit that could only come from a life of trusting and resting in Him alone.
Through the clear Biblical passages and teachings in this book you will:
-Find peace in the total acceptance of God.
-Be set free from the rat race of performance, striving, stress, and dissatisfaction of the world.
-Learn to value, prefer, and prioritize the praise of God over the praise of men.
-Live with the confidence that comes from being secure in your identity as a son or daughter of God.
-Feel what it is like to live with the peace of God available to you at all times.
-Study the Biblical passages that unlock the truth of abiding and resting in Christ.
-Learn the practical implications of your spiritual position in Christ.
-Be able to share with others the transition of death to life, works to grace, bondage to freedom, and slavery to sonship.
-Recognize when you begin to fall back into a works mentality, legalism, or judgment.
-Grow in gratitude for all that God has accomplished on your behalf.
-Embrace a fuller picture and understanding of God's magnificent love for you.
-Enjoy the true rest that God desires you to have.
Seated is the position of victory. Get your copy today so that you can embrace a life of the same.
Wes Raley is an Amazon #1 Best-Selling author of four books about God's will for your life and relationships.