Set in the futuristic city of Havenport in 2047, the novel explores the societal consequences of advanced AI technologies, specifically AI implants. Havenport, once a forgotten town, is now a global test site for cutting-edge technologies, attracting the attention of powerful nations competing for dominance in the technological and economic battlefield. However, the implementation of these innovations raises ethical concerns, blurring the lines between natural and artificial life.
The story follows several key characters grappling with this transformation. Antoine, the city sheriff, and his wife Berte are part of a resistance group known as the "Timekeepers," dedicated to preserving the old ways of life. Despite their isolation from modern technology, Berte is tempted to activate a secret AI implant she purchased. Meanwhile, Antoine is drawn into an investigation after three mysterious deaths occur, all connected to the AI implant manufacturer, IYM (In Your Mind). As he and his assistant Philippe uncover disturbing evidence, including high cortisol levels in the victims, Antoine faces pressure to inform the governor and FBI while attempting to protect Havenport from panic.
Simultaneously, a subplot involves Stephan, a brilliant but obsessed scientist working at IYM, who is trying to recreate his deceased wife through AI. His colleagues, Sandra and Jerry, become increasingly concerned about his mental health and the ethics of his project. They also discover troubling details about the victims, hinting at deeper conspiracies within IYM.
As the tension escalates, powerful figures like the governor's advisor, Helen, and FBI agent Alissa Esteban, get involved. Together, they must navigate political pressures and the ethical dilemmas of unchecked technological progress, all while trying to prevent a larger societal breakdown as Havenport teeters on the edge of chaos.