This thought provoking, yet amusing, humorous book is animated by a group of everyday items found around the household known as "The Thinkers." Several of the "The Thinkers" consist of Nose, Mr. Drain, and Kido, the drain covers and Volt, the electrical outlet. On each page, "The Thinkers" present thoughts and questions meant to inspire the reader, both children and adults, to use their imagination and dream. They introduce ideas to help us think about what may be in our world, the Galaxy we view and inhabit, our infinite Universe.
Because our world is full of wonders, "The Thinkers" present situations both real and imaginary, laughable and also serious for us to ponder. Some of the thoughts, ponderings, and questions posed by "The Thinkers" include: "Do Flys Do Loops or Rolls When They Land On The Ceiling?," "Why can some people only wink one eye?" and "When it's raining, is it really snowing melted snow?"
Have You Ever Wondered... Then come join the ride and open your world!
About the Author
Walter Hayes is a retired Lab Director, Chemical Engineer, Private Pilot, lives in High Point, NC with his wife and best friend, a crazy dog, a nasty cat and still speaks "Pittsburgh Ease." He has written the book because "he seemed to constantly wonder."
Zachery Wideman has illustrated many unique Children's Book including this wonderful book. Dedicated Dog Father, he lives in Easton, MA with his best friend and wife to-be. Check out more artwork at